Friday, May 23, 2008

There is a season

San Antonio has two seasons. Summer and Hell. We're quickly approaching Hell which is one (more) reason that I'm very happy that soon we'll be making trails to return to Colorado.

Anyway. Since living in San Antonio I've been facing a very weird problem, one which I've never encountered before. I cannot for the life of me remember which month I'm in. If I don't have time to think about it I'm just as likely to say October as I am to say May. I can only chalk this up to the fact that the seasons don't change, hence I have nothing to gauge time by. I know I'm not just that dumb.

Seriously, growing up in Colorado people always joke about the unpredictable weather. The thing is, sure sometimes it's a little unpredictable but it's within somewhat normal parameters. I'm sorry, 90 degrees in December is just NOT normal. It's horrible and painful and definitely does not inspire the Christmas spirit.

I realize this is yet another post about weather, but it's really stupid when it doesn't change. I promise if you ever live in a climate that is nothing but hot and hotter weather everyday you too will forget the months.


-hanna said...

i live in hell too!

Rural Dee said...

I can vouch for the weather thing. I kept thinking it was July our whole first year in Florida.