Friday, August 15, 2008

A Fairytale

Once upon a time a lovely girl went to happy hour for a beer and some mozzarella sticks with her husband. While there she noticed a strange and disturbing sight.

The people at the table next to her had children with them! Oh me! Oh my! The children were sitting, imprisoned by their wicked captors. They were almost unable to see over the table and looked mighty unhappy, as children in bars are apt to be.

One hour later, full of mozzarella sticks and a beer our heroes left to go home but not without first giving the evil parents a withering look. They did not care, however, as they were full of beer and whiskey.

The end.

The moral of the story: bring your kids to a bar = you are the worst parent. Ever.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How do I say this politely?

I really love blogging, I really do. I realize I am not always very dedicated but I often think about blogging so that should count for something. I find this to be a very good outlet for me, even if no one reads it.

However. I have a little problem and I'm not sure what to do. I typically try to stay away from any topic that is very controversial. I have a variety of readers, most of whom I'm actually friends with. Sometimes though I want to blog about stuff but I'm afraid I'll make someone mad or hurt their feelings. I would never single out a specific person, of course, but maybe I would touch a nerve that upsets them.

I say all this with the caveat that I've never been offended by any blog I read. So why am I so worried that I'll offend someone so much they'll never come back. I know it's silly but is there anyone else out there that feels this way?