Friday, November 16, 2007


Or rather Wii. We decided to join the 21st century and buy and up-to-date gaming system. The last video game I played was the classic Nintendo and the last one Kent played was Sega. To say we're a little behind the times is an understatement. A Wii, for those of you that don't know, has a wireless controller that interacts with a sensor you put on the top of your TV. Wii is really cool for sports games because instead of just pushing buttons you actually use the remote as, say a tennis racket or a javelin.

The Wii also connects to the internet and you can download the classic Nintendo games. This is my favorite, FAVORITE thing. I used to love all the old Mario games but when my Nintendo died there was no way to play them. Now, I just connect Wii to my internet connection and voila for $5 I can download my favorite classic games.

I will have to say goodbye to Wii (and Kent) tomorrow though because I leave for my visit home. I'm really excited to get back and see everyone but I hate to be away from Kent and the animals for so long. Of course, Kent will be home for the actual holiday but then he has to leave again. And naturally I'm really excited to see my friend Susy. We're going to take a quick trip out to Las Vegas. Susy's been to America a number of times but hasn't seen much besides Colorado and Las Vegas is a really easy trip to make. I just had to promise not to gamble away our life savings. I think I can handle that.

Friday, November 9, 2007


I can't believe I haven't posted in a week. I'm not sure why since it hasn't been very busy. Maybe it's because I haven't had anything to write about. Lucky for you though something funny happened the other day that illustrated, once again, that San Antonio and Denver are not the same city. *Haha*

I left for work the other morning and according to my car the outside temperature was 64 degrees. For 7:30 AM in November this seemed pretty pleasant. When I arrived at work, what was the security guard wearing?

Why, a parka and ski cap! Of course! I shouldn't laugh those because most Coloradans would be completely useless here in July. But still, I laughed about it all day.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Am I getting old?

The past few weekends we've been getting together with guys that Kent has class with. We've had them over to our house and made them play Cranium with us. We love Cranium but you can't play without at least three people and then one person has to float between teams. Anyway, onto the point of my story. One of the guys is 18 and one is 21. They had to answer a question about the band Nirvana. They'd never heard of them. I normally wouldn't say "the band Nirvana" because until two weeks ago I'd never encountered anyone who didn't know about them. I almost made them sleep on the porch.

Am I really getting so old that people only seven years younger than me don't know about Nirvana? I am finding it harder to remember peoples' names and I've noticed that I no longer remember multiples of seven unless I use my fingers. Am I so old that one of the most important bands of the 1990s is no longer relevent? This is how I feel about that: