Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Can't it please be over?

I'm practically the worst sick person in the world. I suppose a few people are worse than me but I'm pretty bad. So you can imagine how much fun I've been these last few weeks. The week before Christmas I started feeling pretty bad, worse than just a cold. It was different than a normal cold though, because just my lungs hurt. Then I got a fever. Good times. I'd been putting off finding a doctor down here because I never really go to the doctor. So of course I need a doctor now and I don't have one. I found an urgent care I could go to (which my insurance didn't cover) and the doctor told me that I had bronchitis. Yay!

I was sick with that for weeks. I was so sick when we drove back to Colorado that Kent ended up driving pretty much the whole time. I was still sort of sick when we came home a week later but I thought I was on an upswing. Then Kent got sick. Three days later I got his cold. That was last week. Now I'm finally starting to feel better again! But...this morning Kent woke up with pinkeye. I've never had pinkeye but I hear that it's very contagious. I'm afraid it might be next on my list.

I'm hoping that this week will mark the end of being sick, at least for a while. Cross your fingers for me that I don't get pinkeye. Yikes.

1 comment:

-hanna said...

drink plenty of water, take vitamin c, take hot baths, and maybe that will help you to feel better! at leat you probably don't feel like drinking!