Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome to your life. You might be an asshole.

Sometimes things irritate me.  Kidding!  ALWAYS things irritate me.  Apparently I'm a very testy person.  But currently one thing is winning in the war to piss me off.

See, I've been following the famine in the Horn of Africa along with 38 other Americans.  It breaks my heart to see the pictures of the starving babies and hear stories about people dying on the months-long trek to refugee camps only to continue to face dire circumstances thanks to warloads that threaten death to anyone attempting to deliver food and water.  It gives me perspective on my life and my problems.  It also amps up my frustration.  As it turns out my tolerance for people complaining about their First World problems is at an all-time low.  One thing provokes my ire above all others though.


Seeing, hearing or reading about someone complaining about their goddamn coffee in anyway way, shape or form infuriates me.  Here's a reality check:  IT IS COFFEE.  In a lot of cases it's coffee that, when adjusted for volume, costs more than a gallon of gas.  How selfish, spoiled and entitled are you to bitch about something so inconsequential?  Here's another reality check: YOU ARE LUCKY TO HAVE THIS PROBLEM.  Do you realize this?  Do you realize that there are roughly a billion people in the world that don't have enough to eat?  Don't have clean water?  Are dying of malaria?

There are problems that are distinctly First World that are still tragic and life changing.  There are things that are minor inconveniences that merit annoyance.  But you know, every single thing that causes you discomfort doesn't require expression.  Get a little perspective.  Ditch the annoyance and appreciate the good things in your life and mourn the things that are legitimately sad or upsetting.  Stop taking things for granting.

And seriously, get a grip on the fucking coffee.


Kristin said...

Maggie, I love this. It's amazing how much people complain about non-problem problems and don't realize the great amount of privilege they have in their lives...I include myself in this because sometimes I forget how lucky I am to even be able to go to college, even if it is a pain to pay for it. You have such a grip on reality. Please keep writing!

Maggie said...

I think frustration over paying for college is damn valid. Of course you and I (and many others) are fortunate to be able to get a college education, but it doesn't negate the economic disparity that becomes so evident when it comes time to pay tuition...but I guess now I'm veering into socialist territory, huh?