A few things, in no particular order:
1. I saw "Twilight" today. I hope if they make movies of any of the sequels they use a different screenwriter and find a new Bella.
2. I'd like to thank the lady sitting next to me in the movie today. Not only were you rude when I tried to get to the empty seat next to you (what do you expect when you're on the aisle?), you also spent the whole movie saying, "What happened?", "Who's that?", and "What's going on?" This added to my experience unmeasurably.
3. I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday. I'm 13 weeks along and got an ultrasound. My baby has a head, legs, a hand I could see, a foot I could see, two legs and a strong heartbeat.
4. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat. We aren't finding out the sex but Kent and I and also my whole family and all our friends are convinced that it's a girl. I asked my midwife what the heartbeat indicated and she said a girl. Then she cheerfully added, "But since I've said that it's going to be a boy!" We'll be happy with whatever we get and I can't wait until it's born to find out!
5. I have purchased two pairs of maternity pants. They are still too big but far more comfortable than my normal clothes.
6. I no longer have morning queasiness but I am still very tired, suffering from acne and getting headaches. Also, thanks to all my mom-friends out there for never mentioning bacne. I was not expecting that one AT ALL. I hope that in the next week or two those things will pretty much be finished.
7. Last Friday (the 14th) I went to the New Kids on the Block concert and it was awesome.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Do you hear what I hear?
I'm covering for the receptionist while she's at lunch. The radio station she listens to is already playing Christmas carols. For some reason this does not make me feel cheery. It makes me want to break the radio into a thousand pieces.
A baby and other stuff update later today or tomorrow.
A baby and other stuff update later today or tomorrow.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I have ballot issues
Yesterday I mailed in my ballot. Today that means that I don't want to hear one single word about politics until November 5 when the news tells me who's been elected President.
Also, can people please stop shoving their opinions down my throat? Can they stop assuming that I want to hear what they think? Because here's the thing: I DON'T CARE. Even if we agree I don't care how you vote or why you're voting that way.
As another aside, to all of you that hate people that aren't in your party (regardless if you're right of left) I want to thank you for making the world a little bit worse. YOU are a big part of why there is so much animosity in this country. YOU are the reason that people can't have a civilized discussion and maybe make things better. So congratulations! I hope you can sleep at night knowing that you've added absolutely nothing positive. I hope you feel better knowing that you've further alienated people who disagree with you rather than helping them see why you might be right.
I can't wait for November 5.
Also, can people please stop shoving their opinions down my throat? Can they stop assuming that I want to hear what they think? Because here's the thing: I DON'T CARE. Even if we agree I don't care how you vote or why you're voting that way.
As another aside, to all of you that hate people that aren't in your party (regardless if you're right of left) I want to thank you for making the world a little bit worse. YOU are a big part of why there is so much animosity in this country. YOU are the reason that people can't have a civilized discussion and maybe make things better. So congratulations! I hope you can sleep at night knowing that you've added absolutely nothing positive. I hope you feel better knowing that you've further alienated people who disagree with you rather than helping them see why you might be right.
I can't wait for November 5.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I ♥ sweatpants
In an earlier post I made fun of people that wore sweatpants out in public.
I now long to join their ranks.
I spent 15 minutes this morning agonizing, trying on pair after pair of pants. Nothing fit without causing an unsightly bulge that makes it appear I've grown a bit too fond of the all-you-can eat buffet.
I currently have: one pair of jeans, one pair of work pants and one skirt (with an elastic waist) that still fit pretty well. Oh, and several pairs of pajama pants. I'm not ready yet to buy maternity pants but I also don't want to buy several pairs of normal pants that won't fit in a few months and (hopefully!) won't fit after the baby is born. See my dilemma?
Maybe I should buy really loose shirts so you can't tell that my pants are no longer buttoned. Maybe I should try to convince my boss that I should be allowed to wear anything that fits, even if it is a pair of pajama pants that are six sizes too big and have the Guinness logo all over them.
One more thing: for those of you that are curious I'm currently 9 1/2 weeks pregnant and the baby is due on or around May 31, 2009!
I now long to join their ranks.
I spent 15 minutes this morning agonizing, trying on pair after pair of pants. Nothing fit without causing an unsightly bulge that makes it appear I've grown a bit too fond of the all-you-can eat buffet.
I currently have: one pair of jeans, one pair of work pants and one skirt (with an elastic waist) that still fit pretty well. Oh, and several pairs of pajama pants. I'm not ready yet to buy maternity pants but I also don't want to buy several pairs of normal pants that won't fit in a few months and (hopefully!) won't fit after the baby is born. See my dilemma?
Maybe I should buy really loose shirts so you can't tell that my pants are no longer buttoned. Maybe I should try to convince my boss that I should be allowed to wear anything that fits, even if it is a pair of pajama pants that are six sizes too big and have the Guinness logo all over them.
One more thing: for those of you that are curious I'm currently 9 1/2 weeks pregnant and the baby is due on or around May 31, 2009!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Gummi bears
I've had a very relaxing month and a half off of blogging. Now though, just like returning to work after a vacation, I have a pile of things to post about. Since I'm not going to do it all today (I do have a job after all) I will give you an overview of what's to come:
* We went on vacation to New York
* Kent is getting ready to mobilize
* I'm incubating a gummi bear that will, eventually, be a baby.
* We went on vacation to New York
* Kent is getting ready to mobilize
* I'm incubating a gummi bear that will, eventually, be a baby.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
To my friends
Another political season, another opportunity for rude people to pepper my inbox with emails that are presumptous and offensive. The guilty party doesn't actually even know my politics and assume that I agree with their bigoted, misinformed point of view.
Oh what the hell, I'm not going to dance around this. The emails I get are in regard to Barack Obama. I don't care if you dislike him because you disagree with his politics. For all you know I might not agree with his politics either. BUT, these emails I get are basically racist missives that call his character into question because of his heritage. It's disgusting and I would have liked to hope that the people I'm friends with are more enlightened. However that is clearly not the case. Up to this point I've basically deleted the emails without reading them but now I'm riled up and considering what I should do.
Do I stop associating with this person? Clearly our values are very different. Do I send an email and attempt to educate him/her? Or do I continue to delete the emails and not say anything. What would you do?
Oh what the hell, I'm not going to dance around this. The emails I get are in regard to Barack Obama. I don't care if you dislike him because you disagree with his politics. For all you know I might not agree with his politics either. BUT, these emails I get are basically racist missives that call his character into question because of his heritage. It's disgusting and I would have liked to hope that the people I'm friends with are more enlightened. However that is clearly not the case. Up to this point I've basically deleted the emails without reading them but now I'm riled up and considering what I should do.
Do I stop associating with this person? Clearly our values are very different. Do I send an email and attempt to educate him/her? Or do I continue to delete the emails and not say anything. What would you do?
Friday, August 15, 2008
A Fairytale
Once upon a time a lovely girl went to happy hour for a beer and some mozzarella sticks with her husband. While there she noticed a strange and disturbing sight.
The people at the table next to her had children with them! Oh me! Oh my! The children were sitting, imprisoned by their wicked captors. They were almost unable to see over the table and looked mighty unhappy, as children in bars are apt to be.
One hour later, full of mozzarella sticks and a beer our heroes left to go home but not without first giving the evil parents a withering look. They did not care, however, as they were full of beer and whiskey.
The end.
The moral of the story: bring your kids to a bar = you are the worst parent. Ever.
The people at the table next to her had children with them! Oh me! Oh my! The children were sitting, imprisoned by their wicked captors. They were almost unable to see over the table and looked mighty unhappy, as children in bars are apt to be.
One hour later, full of mozzarella sticks and a beer our heroes left to go home but not without first giving the evil parents a withering look. They did not care, however, as they were full of beer and whiskey.
The end.
The moral of the story: bring your kids to a bar = you are the worst parent. Ever.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
How do I say this politely?
I really love blogging, I really do. I realize I am not always very dedicated but I often think about blogging so that should count for something. I find this to be a very good outlet for me, even if no one reads it.
However. I have a little problem and I'm not sure what to do. I typically try to stay away from any topic that is very controversial. I have a variety of readers, most of whom I'm actually friends with. Sometimes though I want to blog about stuff but I'm afraid I'll make someone mad or hurt their feelings. I would never single out a specific person, of course, but maybe I would touch a nerve that upsets them.
I say all this with the caveat that I've never been offended by any blog I read. So why am I so worried that I'll offend someone so much they'll never come back. I know it's silly but is there anyone else out there that feels this way?
However. I have a little problem and I'm not sure what to do. I typically try to stay away from any topic that is very controversial. I have a variety of readers, most of whom I'm actually friends with. Sometimes though I want to blog about stuff but I'm afraid I'll make someone mad or hurt their feelings. I would never single out a specific person, of course, but maybe I would touch a nerve that upsets them.
I say all this with the caveat that I've never been offended by any blog I read. So why am I so worried that I'll offend someone so much they'll never come back. I know it's silly but is there anyone else out there that feels this way?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Job tips
I'd like to give you some advice on how to behave if you're looking for a job:
1. Call back every number that comes up on your cell phone without listening to any messages that were left.
2. When the friendly receptionists suggests you listen to your messages, lie and say you have none even though it is company policy to leave a message for every prospective employee.
3. Demand to know who called you. It is clearly the fault of the receptionist if she doesn't have that information on hand.
4. If you're calling in for a phone interview make sure to give the wrong name of the interviewer. Bonus points if you forget it entirely.
5. Be very vocal in your dislike of the company's benefits. Complain that the vacation leave is too minimal, the insurance too expensive and the 401k waiting period too long. This behavior is especially endearing and effective if you are new to your field and have minimal job experience.
6. Make sure to ignore every piece of paperwork the company sends you. These are only going to outline things like which holidays are paid and how long you have to wait until you're eligible to take vacation time. If you actually read them you'll have nothing to call and berate your employers about later.
7. When filling out the application write "see resume" on the job history and reference areas even though you are explicitly told in the instructions: "Do not write 'See resume.'"
8. Do not disclosure felony charges for assault and armed robbery.
Some other tips once you've scored the position:
1. Complain about your job for a full year to anyone that will listen. Quit with less than two weeks notice. When your new job doesn't work out call your old company and demand they give you back your job. Become verbally abusive when told the job has been filled by someone else.
2. Show up late and leave early every single day. Blame a power outage for turning off your alarm. Do this numerous times in your first month of employment.
3. Sleep under your desk every single day. Hide from your boss and cry when he confronts you.
4. Be so completely incompetent that someone has to monitor you constantly.
5. When asked to take on new tasks become defensive and angry. Do a very poor job.
6. Show up to work drunk.
1. Call back every number that comes up on your cell phone without listening to any messages that were left.
2. When the friendly receptionists suggests you listen to your messages, lie and say you have none even though it is company policy to leave a message for every prospective employee.
3. Demand to know who called you. It is clearly the fault of the receptionist if she doesn't have that information on hand.
4. If you're calling in for a phone interview make sure to give the wrong name of the interviewer. Bonus points if you forget it entirely.
5. Be very vocal in your dislike of the company's benefits. Complain that the vacation leave is too minimal, the insurance too expensive and the 401k waiting period too long. This behavior is especially endearing and effective if you are new to your field and have minimal job experience.
6. Make sure to ignore every piece of paperwork the company sends you. These are only going to outline things like which holidays are paid and how long you have to wait until you're eligible to take vacation time. If you actually read them you'll have nothing to call and berate your employers about later.
7. When filling out the application write "see resume" on the job history and reference areas even though you are explicitly told in the instructions: "Do not write 'See resume.'"
8. Do not disclosure felony charges for assault and armed robbery.
Some other tips once you've scored the position:
1. Complain about your job for a full year to anyone that will listen. Quit with less than two weeks notice. When your new job doesn't work out call your old company and demand they give you back your job. Become verbally abusive when told the job has been filled by someone else.
2. Show up late and leave early every single day. Blame a power outage for turning off your alarm. Do this numerous times in your first month of employment.
3. Sleep under your desk every single day. Hide from your boss and cry when he confronts you.
4. Be so completely incompetent that someone has to monitor you constantly.
5. When asked to take on new tasks become defensive and angry. Do a very poor job.
6. Show up to work drunk.
Monday, July 14, 2008
So don't invite them
I use a site meter. This tells me how many people visit my blog and can also show where people visit from and how they found me. They might just know my blog address, they might link to me from someone else's blog or they may do a google search that locates my blog.
Today I went to look at the site meter and noticed that someone found me by searching "I hate when people stay at my house." Er...so don't invite them. (For the record, the post that they linked to was about how I hate staying anywhere but my house. I love for all you to come visit me.)
Today I went to look at the site meter and noticed that someone found me by searching "I hate when people stay at my house." Er...so don't invite them. (For the record, the post that they linked to was about how I hate staying anywhere but my house. I love for all you to come visit me.)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
OK. I know. I owe you all a major update. I think once I tell you what's been happening you'll forgive my shameful lack of posting.
First, we are back in Denver! Kent finished school at the end of May and we decided that it was in our best financial interest to move back to Colorado as soon as possible. We knew that he wouldn't be able to get a job as a respiratory therapist until September but he was able to go back to his old job full-time. So we packed up a few things and said good-bye to San Antonio. Kent then had to fly back at the end of June and supervise the movers who packed us up. I'd like to add here that having other people move you is totally the way to go if you can afford it.
While we waited for our renter to leave our apartment (and for our household goods to arrive) we stayed with my parents. In part this is because we didn't really torment them enough last year when we lived with them. We are, in fact, still staying there through this weekend. Our stuff arrived last Sunday but um...unpacking is difficult. I get things out of boxes and then stare hopelessly at the piles of stuff everywhere. Making the initial decision about where things should live is so challenging that ultimately I have to sit down and read a magazine until the crisis passes. Clearly this is not an effective way to get things done.
Earlier in the week, sensing my despair, my mom took pity on me and came over to help me sort things out. This was major because intially she refused to help. Her rationale was that I wouldn't learn unless forced to do it myself. Also because she's very busy with her own life. (I guess no one told her that when she had kids they would be the priority forever. Sheesh.) Once she was there things got moving and progress was made.
We have another big thing happening in our life that we just found out about (withhold your cheers...I'm not pregnant). Kent is being deployed in November. We knew this was quite likely, as his unit is deployable every three years and this is year three. He's being deployed to...SAN ANTONIO. Yup kids, you read that right. Six weeks after we leave we find out he's going back in November. Now I know that really that isn't too bad. He's nearby and not in a warzone. But seriously. If we'd found out six weeks ago we'd have just stayed down there. As it is I'll probably stay here and he'll go down and fly home a few times a month. Not ideal but as I said, things could be much worse.
So there you have it! Now that I'm caught up I'll be back on a much more regular basis.
First, we are back in Denver! Kent finished school at the end of May and we decided that it was in our best financial interest to move back to Colorado as soon as possible. We knew that he wouldn't be able to get a job as a respiratory therapist until September but he was able to go back to his old job full-time. So we packed up a few things and said good-bye to San Antonio. Kent then had to fly back at the end of June and supervise the movers who packed us up. I'd like to add here that having other people move you is totally the way to go if you can afford it.
While we waited for our renter to leave our apartment (and for our household goods to arrive) we stayed with my parents. In part this is because we didn't really torment them enough last year when we lived with them. We are, in fact, still staying there through this weekend. Our stuff arrived last Sunday but um...unpacking is difficult. I get things out of boxes and then stare hopelessly at the piles of stuff everywhere. Making the initial decision about where things should live is so challenging that ultimately I have to sit down and read a magazine until the crisis passes. Clearly this is not an effective way to get things done.
Earlier in the week, sensing my despair, my mom took pity on me and came over to help me sort things out. This was major because intially she refused to help. Her rationale was that I wouldn't learn unless forced to do it myself. Also because she's very busy with her own life. (I guess no one told her that when she had kids they would be the priority forever. Sheesh.) Once she was there things got moving and progress was made.
We have another big thing happening in our life that we just found out about (withhold your cheers...I'm not pregnant). Kent is being deployed in November. We knew this was quite likely, as his unit is deployable every three years and this is year three. He's being deployed to...SAN ANTONIO. Yup kids, you read that right. Six weeks after we leave we find out he's going back in November. Now I know that really that isn't too bad. He's nearby and not in a warzone. But seriously. If we'd found out six weeks ago we'd have just stayed down there. As it is I'll probably stay here and he'll go down and fly home a few times a month. Not ideal but as I said, things could be much worse.
So there you have it! Now that I'm caught up I'll be back on a much more regular basis.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I need new pants
Seriously, I just can't win.
I'm a chronic overpacker. I bring everything. I bring everything and then things I didn't know I had. I pack a pair of pants for everyday, twice as many tops as I need, pairs of shoes that will never be worn and at least two dresses just in case. Then I end up in frustration because I have far too much luggage and finding anything is a nightmare. I wear the same things over and over because it means I don't have to go searching in my partially unpacked bag.
When we moved back up to Colorado two weeks ago I vowed that would not be the case. I would bring a few things, things that matched and were easily interchangable. I would hang everything up so it was easy to find. My empty luggage would fit under the bed.
I suppose I should rewind a little for those of you that are new here. Kent and I are in limbo at the moment. Our condo is still being rented but we had to come back from Texas so Kent can work. During the four-to-five week period between leaving San Antonio and moving back into our place we're staying with my parents.
Anyway, now that everyone's caught up please let me continue. I was meticulous this time. I brought four pairs of pants and three dresses that are work appropirate. I brought six shirts and four pairs of shoes. Everything seemed in order. But, as seems to often be the case, my hubris was punished. My first day back in the office I discovered a tear in my black capris. This was not a happy situation. They were ripped irrepairably. I could no longer go to work in them unless I wanted to look like the little matchstick girl. I was now down to three pairs of pants.
Beginning my second week I was beginning to think that three pairs of pants was not enough since I can only wear my jeans on Friday. However I was determined to make it work. Then, in the bathroom I pulled off the button of my second pair of pants. Not just any button of course, but the critical I-need-this-button-to-close-my-pants button. Clearly I was in trouble.
Now, in thanks for all my hard work and planning ahead I have to go buy at least one, possible two, new pairs of pants. I'm not going to lie, I can't say I mind.
I'm a chronic overpacker. I bring everything. I bring everything and then things I didn't know I had. I pack a pair of pants for everyday, twice as many tops as I need, pairs of shoes that will never be worn and at least two dresses just in case. Then I end up in frustration because I have far too much luggage and finding anything is a nightmare. I wear the same things over and over because it means I don't have to go searching in my partially unpacked bag.
When we moved back up to Colorado two weeks ago I vowed that would not be the case. I would bring a few things, things that matched and were easily interchangable. I would hang everything up so it was easy to find. My empty luggage would fit under the bed.
I suppose I should rewind a little for those of you that are new here. Kent and I are in limbo at the moment. Our condo is still being rented but we had to come back from Texas so Kent can work. During the four-to-five week period between leaving San Antonio and moving back into our place we're staying with my parents.
Anyway, now that everyone's caught up please let me continue. I was meticulous this time. I brought four pairs of pants and three dresses that are work appropirate. I brought six shirts and four pairs of shoes. Everything seemed in order. But, as seems to often be the case, my hubris was punished. My first day back in the office I discovered a tear in my black capris. This was not a happy situation. They were ripped irrepairably. I could no longer go to work in them unless I wanted to look like the little matchstick girl. I was now down to three pairs of pants.
Beginning my second week I was beginning to think that three pairs of pants was not enough since I can only wear my jeans on Friday. However I was determined to make it work. Then, in the bathroom I pulled off the button of my second pair of pants. Not just any button of course, but the critical I-need-this-button-to-close-my-pants button. Clearly I was in trouble.
Now, in thanks for all my hard work and planning ahead I have to go buy at least one, possible two, new pairs of pants. I'm not going to lie, I can't say I mind.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I hate Blogger
By the way, I hate Blogger because it never formats my posts right when they have photos in them. Grr.
Picture and zip lines
Yesterday I promised that I'd post about my friend HK's trip and pictures. It's late, but I'm still on time! My friend (well, mine and Kent's friend...but she was my friend first) came to visit us the first weekend in May. We were really lucky because the weekend before HK came out my parents also came to visit. So lots of company in not much time! It was so fun to be able to show people around.
Anyway, the first full day that HK was in town we took her down to the Riverwalk. The Riverwalk has lots of places to eat and grab a beer if you're so inclined. We stopped at our favorite place, Waxy Murphy's, for a round of darts.

HK was better than me at darts but not as good as Kent. It's ok though, I got my revenge.

How did I get my revenge? Well I got a bullseye first! Too bad it was my one and only successful shot. Kent ended up winning anyway.
The next morning we dragged ourselves out of bed to go zipline at the Cypress Valley Canopy Tour. I am not too proud to admit that I was a little scared and almost chickened out at the first zip. I made HK and Kent go first and it was only the long line of people behind me that I was compelled to keep going. Looking back I can say it was really fun. Especially since I didn't fall to my death. Nor, it's important to add, did anyone else.

See, photo proof that we all survived. Please ignore that I'm wearing capris and tennis shoes. I know it looks ridiculous.
After our trip through the trees we took a detour up to Austin. I won't lie, the reason we went was mainly to eat at the Spicy Pickle, also known as the best sandwiches west of the Mississippi. According to HK and Kent were we also lucky because an arts festival was going on too. I don't know about that, crowds freak me out, but they had fun and we ate funnel cake so I guess it wasn't that bad.
After our long day of driving and zip lines we drove back to our apartment and napped. After we all woke up we played the American Idol game for Wii. It was definitely really fun although I kept trying to steal the mic from HK and take over her songs. Sorry HK, I hope you aren't mad!!
Here's one last picture of me and HK. Also, please leave a comment and tell me what you think about adding an online photo album. If I get a lot of positive feedback I'll add it.
Anyway, the first full day that HK was in town we took her down to the Riverwalk. The Riverwalk has lots of places to eat and grab a beer if you're so inclined. We stopped at our favorite place, Waxy Murphy's, for a round of darts.

HK was better than me at darts but not as good as Kent. It's ok though, I got my revenge.

How did I get my revenge? Well I got a bullseye first! Too bad it was my one and only successful shot. Kent ended up winning anyway.
The next morning we dragged ourselves out of bed to go zipline at the Cypress Valley Canopy Tour. I am not too proud to admit that I was a little scared and almost chickened out at the first zip. I made HK and Kent go first and it was only the long line of people behind me that I was compelled to keep going. Looking back I can say it was really fun. Especially since I didn't fall to my death. Nor, it's important to add, did anyone else.

See, photo proof that we all survived. Please ignore that I'm wearing capris and tennis shoes. I know it looks ridiculous.
After our trip through the trees we took a detour up to Austin. I won't lie, the reason we went was mainly to eat at the Spicy Pickle, also known as the best sandwiches west of the Mississippi. According to HK and Kent were we also lucky because an arts festival was going on too. I don't know about that, crowds freak me out, but they had fun and we ate funnel cake so I guess it wasn't that bad.
After our long day of driving and zip lines we drove back to our apartment and napped. After we all woke up we played the American Idol game for Wii. It was definitely really fun although I kept trying to steal the mic from HK and take over her songs. Sorry HK, I hope you aren't mad!!
Here's one last picture of me and HK. Also, please leave a comment and tell me what you think about adding an online photo album. If I get a lot of positive feedback I'll add it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Another update
I suppose it would be helpful to explain why I've been so busy. It's not all NPR listening and Wii game buying, unfortunately! No, the real reason that we are so busy is that we're getting ready to move again this weekend. We're leaving hellacious San Antonio to return to Denver where it snowed over the weekend. Some of you that are taking notes might wonder where we're going to live, since our renter isn't leaving until June 30th. Well, we'll be staying with my mom and dad, of course! Because we really didn't torture them enough the first time around.
Next, maybe you're wondering where we'll put all our stuff. To answer that question, we sure aren't foolish enough to move it ourselves again! If I never have to watch Kent move a couch up three flights of stairs again it will be too soon. We have movers coming at the end of the month to do the heavy lifting and packing. Kent will fly back down and order them around. Then they'll bring our stuff to our condo where I'll order them around. Kidding! We aren't jerks. Sheesh.
I have other stuff to talk about. Namely the fun things we did with our friend HK and pictures from that weekend. Also pictures and an update on what we did on our last weekend in San Antonio. Tomorrow, I swear!
Next, maybe you're wondering where we'll put all our stuff. To answer that question, we sure aren't foolish enough to move it ourselves again! If I never have to watch Kent move a couch up three flights of stairs again it will be too soon. We have movers coming at the end of the month to do the heavy lifting and packing. Kent will fly back down and order them around. Then they'll bring our stuff to our condo where I'll order them around. Kidding! We aren't jerks. Sheesh.
I have other stuff to talk about. Namely the fun things we did with our friend HK and pictures from that weekend. Also pictures and an update on what we did on our last weekend in San Antonio. Tomorrow, I swear!
Oh so much to blog about...it might not fit all in one post.
First, here's a random fact for you. I was listening to NPR this morning and apparently there are three main things that are workplace problems.
1. Swearing in the office. While I agree that swearing is inappropriate at work there are occasions where a person might let a bad word slip. For example, when someone stubs her toe so hard on her desk she breaks it.
2. Gossip.
3. Drinking on the job. I'd sure love to meet these people. I think I could get them to buy me lunch at least a few times a week, depending on how soused they are.
Since I can't fill a whole post with things I learned on NPR I'll share another tidbit with you all. Yesterday Kent and I went on a trek to get a Wii Fit. Alas, they are almost impossible to find. That and MarioKart. Anyway. Not my point. We were talking to the very helpful Best Buy salesman about videogames. I'm sure most of you have heard of a little game called "Grand Theft Auto". The newest one, version four, was just released. We'd heard it was really fun but they don't make it for Wii. (And we aren't buying another gaming system.)
We asked him if GTA4 would ever be released for Wii and he told us it was unlikely. Apparently many people found the first (and only) version released to be somewhat disturbing. You use the Wii controllers like objects and not like traditional remotes...I guess that violent videogames became less fun when you actually had to make the moves like you were stabbing or choking someone, rather than pressing up up down right left.
Anyway, share that one with your friends. I'm sure they'll find it interesting like I did.
First, here's a random fact for you. I was listening to NPR this morning and apparently there are three main things that are workplace problems.
1. Swearing in the office. While I agree that swearing is inappropriate at work there are occasions where a person might let a bad word slip. For example, when someone stubs her toe so hard on her desk she breaks it.
2. Gossip.
3. Drinking on the job. I'd sure love to meet these people. I think I could get them to buy me lunch at least a few times a week, depending on how soused they are.
Since I can't fill a whole post with things I learned on NPR I'll share another tidbit with you all. Yesterday Kent and I went on a trek to get a Wii Fit. Alas, they are almost impossible to find. That and MarioKart. Anyway. Not my point. We were talking to the very helpful Best Buy salesman about videogames. I'm sure most of you have heard of a little game called "Grand Theft Auto". The newest one, version four, was just released. We'd heard it was really fun but they don't make it for Wii. (And we aren't buying another gaming system.)
We asked him if GTA4 would ever be released for Wii and he told us it was unlikely. Apparently many people found the first (and only) version released to be somewhat disturbing. You use the Wii controllers like objects and not like traditional remotes...I guess that violent videogames became less fun when you actually had to make the moves like you were stabbing or choking someone, rather than pressing up up down right left.
Anyway, share that one with your friends. I'm sure they'll find it interesting like I did.
Friday, May 23, 2008
There is a season
San Antonio has two seasons. Summer and Hell. We're quickly approaching Hell which is one (more) reason that I'm very happy that soon we'll be making trails to return to Colorado.
Anyway. Since living in San Antonio I've been facing a very weird problem, one which I've never encountered before. I cannot for the life of me remember which month I'm in. If I don't have time to think about it I'm just as likely to say October as I am to say May. I can only chalk this up to the fact that the seasons don't change, hence I have nothing to gauge time by. I know I'm not just that dumb.
Seriously, growing up in Colorado people always joke about the unpredictable weather. The thing is, sure sometimes it's a little unpredictable but it's within somewhat normal parameters. I'm sorry, 90 degrees in December is just NOT normal. It's horrible and painful and definitely does not inspire the Christmas spirit.
I realize this is yet another post about weather, but it's really stupid when it doesn't change. I promise if you ever live in a climate that is nothing but hot and hotter weather everyday you too will forget the months.
Anyway. Since living in San Antonio I've been facing a very weird problem, one which I've never encountered before. I cannot for the life of me remember which month I'm in. If I don't have time to think about it I'm just as likely to say October as I am to say May. I can only chalk this up to the fact that the seasons don't change, hence I have nothing to gauge time by. I know I'm not just that dumb.
Seriously, growing up in Colorado people always joke about the unpredictable weather. The thing is, sure sometimes it's a little unpredictable but it's within somewhat normal parameters. I'm sorry, 90 degrees in December is just NOT normal. It's horrible and painful and definitely does not inspire the Christmas spirit.
I realize this is yet another post about weather, but it's really stupid when it doesn't change. I promise if you ever live in a climate that is nothing but hot and hotter weather everyday you too will forget the months.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Where did I put the car and other problems
Yesterday morning Kent had to get up early and help a classmate pass a physical fitness test. The night before he was packing up so he could take his bike (motorcycle bike...we live way to far for him to take a bicycle, but that's a post for another day). He got up early and left me to continue sleeping. As an aside, I always oversleep on days he leaves early because I hate to wake up.
I woke up and got ready work, fun stuff like that. I was running just a little late so I was sort of rushed as I left the house. I turned the corner and my heart literally dropped into my stomach.
The car was gone.
I looked away, took a breath and looked back. I thought maybe my eyes were fooling me, but they weren't. A number of bad words went through my head. The night before Kent had gotten some stuff out of the trunk so maybe he moved it to our parking spot around the corner. I called him to ask while trying to avoid a meltdown. I didn't want to be late or miss work but I was obviously going to have to, since our car had been stolen. He finally picked up and I asked if he moved the car. I'm sure you can all guess the punchline.
"I ended up taking the car. I told you that this morning when I left. I had too much stuff for the motorcycle." And indeed he had.
On a somewhat unrelated but also problematic note, if you are in the sun for seven hours you should apply sunscreen more than once. If you don't, you will likely sunburn so bad that you blister, as I've had the misfortune of experiencing. I like to impart little life-lessons in my posts.
I woke up and got ready work, fun stuff like that. I was running just a little late so I was sort of rushed as I left the house. I turned the corner and my heart literally dropped into my stomach.
The car was gone.
I looked away, took a breath and looked back. I thought maybe my eyes were fooling me, but they weren't. A number of bad words went through my head. The night before Kent had gotten some stuff out of the trunk so maybe he moved it to our parking spot around the corner. I called him to ask while trying to avoid a meltdown. I didn't want to be late or miss work but I was obviously going to have to, since our car had been stolen. He finally picked up and I asked if he moved the car. I'm sure you can all guess the punchline.
"I ended up taking the car. I told you that this morning when I left. I had too much stuff for the motorcycle." And indeed he had.
On a somewhat unrelated but also problematic note, if you are in the sun for seven hours you should apply sunscreen more than once. If you don't, you will likely sunburn so bad that you blister, as I've had the misfortune of experiencing. I like to impart little life-lessons in my posts.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
There's no place like home!
We'll be home in Denver in less than a month. I had an appointment today at the transportation department at Fort Sam and shockingly, it seems like it won't be that hard to get our move set-up. When we moved down we decided to move ourselves and all I can say is the amount of money you make is not worth the hassle of moving a couch up three flights of stairs. We'll let movers tackle this one and not pay a penny. On Monday I'll go in and officially schedule our move. Since it's not a good time for me to miss work I'll roll out on a Saturday and try to make it home in a day. The drive is LOOOONG, like about 15 hours. It's kind of a weird distance because it's too short to break into two days and doing it in one day is quite painful.
Anyway that's our big news. I can't wait!!
Anyway that's our big news. I can't wait!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Just an idea
If you have your company advertised on your vehicle it's probably in your best interest not to drive like a complete jerk. I'm looking at you, Mobile Gym whatever you are.
Also, I have a blog from a few weeks ago called "Strange but true." In case you missed the joke, Kent and I made up all those "facts." But go ahead and forward them to all your friends anyway!
Also, I have a blog from a few weeks ago called "Strange but true." In case you missed the joke, Kent and I made up all those "facts." But go ahead and forward them to all your friends anyway!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Busy week
Hi everyone! Sorry that I didn't post about my parent's trip sooner. I've been busy catching up from while they were here. In fact I still don't have much time (I'm at work at really busy) but I'll hopefully have time for a longer post tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I know, I know. I haven't done a very good job in the last two weeks of keeping my blog updated. But I'm here now!
I've done a lot the last few weeks. First I went home to Denver for three days for work and mom time. It was great to be home. The down side was I missed my dad, he was at their condo in Alabama until Tuesday and I went home on Sunday. It wasn't too bad though since they'll be in town tomorrow! We've been badgering to come visit basically since we arrived. Their timing is really good though. My mom's birthday is tomorrow and San Antonio is in the middle of Fiesta, which is a ten day...well, fiesta. Obviously. We'll do some of the more touristy things (hello, Alamo!) and take them to dinner. Maybe we'll hit up Carnivale and Fiesta Gartenfest as well.
Then, as if that's not exciting enough our friend Hanna will be down the weekend after! She's going to miss on Fiesta but to make up for it we're planning to take her to Sea World. Kent and I haven't been but it seems like fun. Hanna's really good with her camera so I'll probably have pictures to post from her trip. Tragically no one in my family is very good with using the camera so I probably won't have pictures from that. But check back often, just in case!
Cross my heart, my next update won't take so long!
I've done a lot the last few weeks. First I went home to Denver for three days for work and mom time. It was great to be home. The down side was I missed my dad, he was at their condo in Alabama until Tuesday and I went home on Sunday. It wasn't too bad though since they'll be in town tomorrow! We've been badgering to come visit basically since we arrived. Their timing is really good though. My mom's birthday is tomorrow and San Antonio is in the middle of Fiesta, which is a ten day...well, fiesta. Obviously. We'll do some of the more touristy things (hello, Alamo!) and take them to dinner. Maybe we'll hit up Carnivale and Fiesta Gartenfest as well.
Then, as if that's not exciting enough our friend Hanna will be down the weekend after! She's going to miss on Fiesta but to make up for it we're planning to take her to Sea World. Kent and I haven't been but it seems like fun. Hanna's really good with her camera so I'll probably have pictures to post from her trip. Tragically no one in my family is very good with using the camera so I probably won't have pictures from that. But check back often, just in case!
Cross my heart, my next update won't take so long!
Monday, April 7, 2008
City by the bay
OK, so we didn't go to the bay referenced in the Journey song "Light" (they were talking about San Francisco). Last weekend we took a little trip to Corpus Christi to spend some time relaxing at the George Blucher House and sitting on the beach. We had a late start on Friday because Kent had to work late. It was quite frustrating, usually Kent ends at 3:00 or 3:30 but of course on that Friday they had to stay late and he didn't get home until after 6:00. Naturally while I was waiting for him I availed myself of a nap instead of doing useful things like packing. When he finally did get home we had to race around getting things together before we were able to leave.
As we approached Corpus Christi I said to Kent "Oh look at the cityscape! That's so pretty." He looked at me and said, "Uh, that's not a cityscape. It's a factory." I'd like to point out that I have terrible night vision, first of all. Second I was not expecting Corpus Christi to be Detroit-by-the-bay hence I was not looking for factories. As we pulled off the highway we began to get a little more nervous. I was directing Kent where to turn and we were a little surprised by the lack of...well, anything in downtown Corpus. Let me interject something here: Kent is from a suburb right outside of New York City. I grew up in a suburb of Denver. Both those places have extemely vital downtowns (in the case of NYC, everyone roll your eyes and say with me "obviously"). We are not used to living or visiting places where the only people downtown at night are prostitutes, drug addicts and homeless people. So, getting back on track, we were growing a little nervous. We finally pulled up to the B & B and looked at each other. Sure, the house looked beautiful but there wasn't lot of other competition. We looked at each other and remarked that we sure hoped our car wouldn't be broken into.
Inside was definitely as nice as we expected. We woke up early the next day and had a delicious brunch and decided to hit up the aquarium before going to the beach. Our car hadn't been broked into, which warmed our hearts considerably. We went to the aquarium, which was pretty cool. I've never been to an aquarium before so I didn't have an expectations. Of course, I didn't bring my camera and I have to pictures to post. Sorry!
We went down to the beach after that and drove along trying to find a good place to park (sidenote: I've never driven down a beach before). When we did get out, the water was really cold, the beach was covered in seaweed and litter and the sky was overcast. We decided to drive down a little further and try and find a better spot. Unfortunately all the spots pretty much looked the same and the sun still wasn't out. After getting our car stuck in the sand I demanded that we go back to the hotel. We had dinner reservations and I wanted to have plenty of time to get ready.
I'll skip over our drive home and getting ready for dinner because honestly, who cares? We went to a restaurant called the Yardarm and from the outside it looked pretty rickety. However the food was the best I've ever had in my life. I would happily go back to Corpus Christi and eat there everyday for a month. Between that and the hotel our trip was worth it, even if the city itself isn't all that great.
As we approached Corpus Christi I said to Kent "Oh look at the cityscape! That's so pretty." He looked at me and said, "Uh, that's not a cityscape. It's a factory." I'd like to point out that I have terrible night vision, first of all. Second I was not expecting Corpus Christi to be Detroit-by-the-bay hence I was not looking for factories. As we pulled off the highway we began to get a little more nervous. I was directing Kent where to turn and we were a little surprised by the lack of...well, anything in downtown Corpus. Let me interject something here: Kent is from a suburb right outside of New York City. I grew up in a suburb of Denver. Both those places have extemely vital downtowns (in the case of NYC, everyone roll your eyes and say with me "obviously"). We are not used to living or visiting places where the only people downtown at night are prostitutes, drug addicts and homeless people. So, getting back on track, we were growing a little nervous. We finally pulled up to the B & B and looked at each other. Sure, the house looked beautiful but there wasn't lot of other competition. We looked at each other and remarked that we sure hoped our car wouldn't be broken into.
Inside was definitely as nice as we expected. We woke up early the next day and had a delicious brunch and decided to hit up the aquarium before going to the beach. Our car hadn't been broked into, which warmed our hearts considerably. We went to the aquarium, which was pretty cool. I've never been to an aquarium before so I didn't have an expectations. Of course, I didn't bring my camera and I have to pictures to post. Sorry!
We went down to the beach after that and drove along trying to find a good place to park (sidenote: I've never driven down a beach before). When we did get out, the water was really cold, the beach was covered in seaweed and litter and the sky was overcast. We decided to drive down a little further and try and find a better spot. Unfortunately all the spots pretty much looked the same and the sun still wasn't out. After getting our car stuck in the sand I demanded that we go back to the hotel. We had dinner reservations and I wanted to have plenty of time to get ready.
I'll skip over our drive home and getting ready for dinner because honestly, who cares? We went to a restaurant called the Yardarm and from the outside it looked pretty rickety. However the food was the best I've ever had in my life. I would happily go back to Corpus Christi and eat there everyday for a month. Between that and the hotel our trip was worth it, even if the city itself isn't all that great.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I took this from my friend
So I know that I posted a quiz only a few short months ago, but I though I'd lift this from my friend Lisa's blog anyway.
1. What time did you get up this morning? 5:22, because life is unfair.
2. Diamonds or pearls? Both. In a crown.
3. Last movie you saw in the theater? I think "One Missed Call" which WASN'T EVEN GOOD ENOUGH TO RENT.
4. Most embarrassing moment? Throwing up in front of my whole tech arts class on the third day of 7th grade when I was still trying to impress my classmates.
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Juice and cereal. And coffee, most importantly.
6. What is your middle name? Legally it's Evelyn Dalton because I didn't want to drop anything when I got married. But usually I just sign things with Dalton.
7. What food do you dislike? This is difficult because I'm not a very picky eater but I think beef stroganoff looks and smells like throw up.
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I'm loving Rilo Kiley's "Under the Blacklight" and the Juno soundtrack.
9. What kind of car do you drive? I mostly drive our new car, a Prius, and Kent usually drives the Honda, which I've had since high school.
10. Favorite sandwich? Bologna. Laugh if you want.
11. What characteristics do you despise? Anyone who acts like their time is more valuable than yours (I see this trait in bosses quit often.)
12. Favorite item of clothing? Hm...actually if I'm fully honest a good fitting bra.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go? Israel and Egypt.
14. What color is your bathroom? Off white.
15. Favorite brand of clothing? I love H & M and am so sad that I don't live anywhere near one and they don't sell online. Boohoo!
16. Where would you retire? Near my family and friend.
17. Most memorable birthday? Probably my 18th...I was in Germany with my exchange sister and it was awesome.
18. Favorite sport to watch? Men's tennis. I'm sure that some of you will scream but I like men's better than women's because I think the men tend to play better and the games are more exciting.
19 - 21. I'm skipping these since they're all asking who's going to respond first or similar.
22. Favorite saying? The road to hell is paved in good intentions.
23. When is your birthday? July 20
24. Are you a morning person or a night person? I really want to be a morning person but honestly I'm much more a night person. Oh well.
25. What is your shoe size? A 6 or 6.5.
26. Pets? A dog and cat.
27. Favorite movie? This is difficult! Forrest Gump, The Shawshank Redemption (seriously, if you don't like this movie we can't be friends), Braveheart, The 25th Hour, Crooklyn, The Princess Bride...ahh...that's only the beginning!
28. What are you doing today? Working. On this quiz, mostly.
29. What is your favorite candy? I can't really eat candy because I get migraines from it. Life is so unfair.
30. Your favorite flower? If someone wants to give me flowers I'm not picky!
31. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? This weekend because we're going to the beach in Corpus Christi!
32. What church/synagogue do you attend? None at the moment. Maybe someday we'll find the right one.
33. What are you listening to right now? My iPod.
34. What was the last thing you ate? Cottage cheese and a banana.
35. Do you wish on stars? Yes but mostly out of superstition.
37. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Red or purple.
38. What is your pet peeve? Celebrities that pimp their baby's pictures for millions of dollars.
39. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Probably Kent.
40. Do you like the person/people you are sending this to? Of course I like you. You're reading my blog!
41. Favorite drink? Usually just water.
42. Favorite restaurant? This Mexican restaurant by Kent's work. Yum.
43. Hair Color? Dark blonde.
45. Favorite day of the year? Christmas Eve!
46. What was your favorite toy as a child? Cabbage Patch baby.
47. Summer or winter? Given that it's unholy hot out right now makes me love winter. Usually I prefer whichever season I'm not experiencing at that moment.
48. Hugs or kisses? Both!
49. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
50. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? I always want to hear from my friends!
51. When was the last time you cried? Last week when Molly the Dog died.
52. What is under your bed? Skittle Bowl!
53. Who is the friend you've had the longest? Of my blog friends it's Hanna and Lisa.
54. What did you do last night? Watched American Idol and baked cookies.
55. Favorite smell? Only good ones.
56. What are you afraid of? Bikes <-- this is Lisa's answer but I second it.
57. How many keys on your key ring? 4, because I have both mailbox keys for some reason.
59. Favorite day of the week? Friday!
60. How many towns have you lived in? 5
61. Do you make friends easily? I always thought I did until I moved to San Antonio and haven't made one friend yet.
62. How many folks will you send this to? Everyone that reads my blog.
1. What time did you get up this morning? 5:22, because life is unfair.
2. Diamonds or pearls? Both. In a crown.
3. Last movie you saw in the theater? I think "One Missed Call" which WASN'T EVEN GOOD ENOUGH TO RENT.
4. Most embarrassing moment? Throwing up in front of my whole tech arts class on the third day of 7th grade when I was still trying to impress my classmates.
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Juice and cereal. And coffee, most importantly.
6. What is your middle name? Legally it's Evelyn Dalton because I didn't want to drop anything when I got married. But usually I just sign things with Dalton.
7. What food do you dislike? This is difficult because I'm not a very picky eater but I think beef stroganoff looks and smells like throw up.
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I'm loving Rilo Kiley's "Under the Blacklight" and the Juno soundtrack.
9. What kind of car do you drive? I mostly drive our new car, a Prius, and Kent usually drives the Honda, which I've had since high school.
10. Favorite sandwich? Bologna. Laugh if you want.
11. What characteristics do you despise? Anyone who acts like their time is more valuable than yours (I see this trait in bosses quit often.)
12. Favorite item of clothing? Hm...actually if I'm fully honest a good fitting bra.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go? Israel and Egypt.
14. What color is your bathroom? Off white.
15. Favorite brand of clothing? I love H & M and am so sad that I don't live anywhere near one and they don't sell online. Boohoo!
16. Where would you retire? Near my family and friend.
17. Most memorable birthday? Probably my 18th...I was in Germany with my exchange sister and it was awesome.
18. Favorite sport to watch? Men's tennis. I'm sure that some of you will scream but I like men's better than women's because I think the men tend to play better and the games are more exciting.
19 - 21. I'm skipping these since they're all asking who's going to respond first or similar.
22. Favorite saying? The road to hell is paved in good intentions.
23. When is your birthday? July 20
24. Are you a morning person or a night person? I really want to be a morning person but honestly I'm much more a night person. Oh well.
25. What is your shoe size? A 6 or 6.5.
26. Pets? A dog and cat.
27. Favorite movie? This is difficult! Forrest Gump, The Shawshank Redemption (seriously, if you don't like this movie we can't be friends), Braveheart, The 25th Hour, Crooklyn, The Princess Bride...ahh...that's only the beginning!
28. What are you doing today? Working. On this quiz, mostly.
29. What is your favorite candy? I can't really eat candy because I get migraines from it. Life is so unfair.
30. Your favorite flower? If someone wants to give me flowers I'm not picky!
31. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? This weekend because we're going to the beach in Corpus Christi!
32. What church/synagogue do you attend? None at the moment. Maybe someday we'll find the right one.
33. What are you listening to right now? My iPod.
34. What was the last thing you ate? Cottage cheese and a banana.
35. Do you wish on stars? Yes but mostly out of superstition.
37. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Red or purple.
38. What is your pet peeve? Celebrities that pimp their baby's pictures for millions of dollars.
39. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Probably Kent.
40. Do you like the person/people you are sending this to? Of course I like you. You're reading my blog!
41. Favorite drink? Usually just water.
42. Favorite restaurant? This Mexican restaurant by Kent's work. Yum.
43. Hair Color? Dark blonde.
45. Favorite day of the year? Christmas Eve!
46. What was your favorite toy as a child? Cabbage Patch baby.
47. Summer or winter? Given that it's unholy hot out right now makes me love winter. Usually I prefer whichever season I'm not experiencing at that moment.
48. Hugs or kisses? Both!
49. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
50. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? I always want to hear from my friends!
51. When was the last time you cried? Last week when Molly the Dog died.
52. What is under your bed? Skittle Bowl!
53. Who is the friend you've had the longest? Of my blog friends it's Hanna and Lisa.
54. What did you do last night? Watched American Idol and baked cookies.
55. Favorite smell? Only good ones.
56. What are you afraid of? Bikes <-- this is Lisa's answer but I second it.
57. How many keys on your key ring? 4, because I have both mailbox keys for some reason.
59. Favorite day of the week? Friday!
60. How many towns have you lived in? 5
61. Do you make friends easily? I always thought I did until I moved to San Antonio and haven't made one friend yet.
62. How many folks will you send this to? Everyone that reads my blog.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Maybe I should number my posts
Maybe I should number my posts so I don't have to think of a clever title. Hm...
Sorry for the lack of posting. The last week was really hard. My parents had to put our old dog, Molly, to sleep. She was getting old and really skinny and when the vet did an x-ray he found two big tumors in her belly. She went downhill progressively so my mom and dad decided they should put her down. We had one other dog that died when I was 13 and then we got Molly shortly after. She'd been our dog for a long time. I really loved her and I'm going to miss seeing her.
In other news I've decided that I'm going to run the Boulder Backroads Half-Marathon this year in September. I've wanted to do it for a long time and I'm going to drop the talk and take some action. It's not for six months so I think I've got ample time to prepare. To that end I've started running on a more regular basis. I used to run pretty often before I got married and it seems every year it's gotten less and less. Luckily I haven't seen too many changes in my figure other than some general wimpiness. Most of my clothes still fit though so I'm pretty lucky.
There's a quarter mile track at my work so I've been going there to run. Normally I hate tracks almost as much as I hate treadmills but since I haven't done a lot of running in the past two years I think track running is pretty helpful. It's easier to track mileage and time and since it's a nice, flat surface I can work on building strength and running properly and not have to worry about going up and down hills at the same time.
Since I've started running again I've been working really hard on having good form so that my stride is more efficient, which is not something I've spent much time on in the past. I know that I've had a tendency to take really short steps and hunch over. Hopefully I'll get better at not doing those things and increase my performance.
So that's what's been going on this past week. Last weekend we went to the Natural Bridge caverns and if I can ever remember to bring my camera to work I'll be posting pictures of that. This weekend we're going to Corpus Christi to hang out at the beach and we're really looking forward to that!
Sorry for the lack of posting. The last week was really hard. My parents had to put our old dog, Molly, to sleep. She was getting old and really skinny and when the vet did an x-ray he found two big tumors in her belly. She went downhill progressively so my mom and dad decided they should put her down. We had one other dog that died when I was 13 and then we got Molly shortly after. She'd been our dog for a long time. I really loved her and I'm going to miss seeing her.
In other news I've decided that I'm going to run the Boulder Backroads Half-Marathon this year in September. I've wanted to do it for a long time and I'm going to drop the talk and take some action. It's not for six months so I think I've got ample time to prepare. To that end I've started running on a more regular basis. I used to run pretty often before I got married and it seems every year it's gotten less and less. Luckily I haven't seen too many changes in my figure other than some general wimpiness. Most of my clothes still fit though so I'm pretty lucky.
There's a quarter mile track at my work so I've been going there to run. Normally I hate tracks almost as much as I hate treadmills but since I haven't done a lot of running in the past two years I think track running is pretty helpful. It's easier to track mileage and time and since it's a nice, flat surface I can work on building strength and running properly and not have to worry about going up and down hills at the same time.
Since I've started running again I've been working really hard on having good form so that my stride is more efficient, which is not something I've spent much time on in the past. I know that I've had a tendency to take really short steps and hunch over. Hopefully I'll get better at not doing those things and increase my performance.
So that's what's been going on this past week. Last weekend we went to the Natural Bridge caverns and if I can ever remember to bring my camera to work I'll be posting pictures of that. This weekend we're going to Corpus Christi to hang out at the beach and we're really looking forward to that!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Luck o' the Irish
This is one of the best stories I've read in months. It will definitely make you smile.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Elliott Spitzer - full of shitzer?
If you have a pulse you have most likely heard about the involvement of now-disgraced former New York governor Elliott Spitzer in a prostitution ring. Here is the text of his resignation speech as transcribed by the New York Times:
In the past few days I have begun to atone for my private failings with my wife, Silda, my children, and my entire family. The remorse I feel will always be with me. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the love and compassion they have shown me. From those to whom much is given, much is expected. I have been given much: the love of my family, the faith and trust of the people of New York, and the chance to lead this state. I am deeply sorry that I did not live up to what was expected of me. To every New Yorker, and to all those who believed in what I tried to stand for, I sincerely apologize.
I look at my time as governor with a sense of what might have been, but I also know that as a public servant I, and the remarkable people with whom I worked, have accomplished a great deal. There is much more to be done, and I cannot allow my private failings to disrupt the people’s work. Over the course of my public life, I have insisted, I believe correctly, that people, regardless of their position or power, take responsibility for their conduct. I can and will ask no less of myself [emphasis added]. For this reason, I am resigning from the office of governor. At Lt. Gov. Paterson’s request, the resignation will be effective Monday, March 17, a date that he believes will permit an orderly transition.
I go forward with the belief, as others have said, that as human beings, our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. As I leave public life, I will first do what I need to do to help and heal myself and my family. Then I will try once again, outside of politics, to serve the common good and to move toward the ideals and solutions which I believe can build a future of hope and opportunity for us and for our children. I hope all of New York will join my prayers for my friend, David Paterson, as he embarks on his new mission, and I thank the public once again for the privilege of service.
Dear Elliott Spitzer:
Let me first say that you are lucky man to be married to someone like your wife. If you had been my husband and involved with numerous prostitutes you wouldn't get a chance to publicly apologize. You would buried in a shallow grave in the backyard. Second, the whole text of your speech just makes me laugh. Did anyone really buy that bullshit? Seriously? Because here's the thing. I think you're mostly sorry that you were caught. I think that you're really sorry that you lost your job and that you had to face your wife.
You're trying to act like it's so righteous that you're resigning now and, how did you put it? "Taking responsibility for my actions"? Wow. Good for you. See, the thing is I don't think your conscience would have ever made you feel bad enough to admit your shortcomings. That's partly what makes me so mad. Your mea culpa is ridiculous, and I'm not even one of your constituents! You broke the law because you're an egoist that thought he wouldn't get caught. I have an idea! How about a leader that not only enforces the law but lives by them! I hope your career is ruined and that your wife leaves you. Because that's what would happen to most men. And really, why should you get anything less?
In the past few days I have begun to atone for my private failings with my wife, Silda, my children, and my entire family. The remorse I feel will always be with me. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the love and compassion they have shown me. From those to whom much is given, much is expected. I have been given much: the love of my family, the faith and trust of the people of New York, and the chance to lead this state. I am deeply sorry that I did not live up to what was expected of me. To every New Yorker, and to all those who believed in what I tried to stand for, I sincerely apologize.
I look at my time as governor with a sense of what might have been, but I also know that as a public servant I, and the remarkable people with whom I worked, have accomplished a great deal. There is much more to be done, and I cannot allow my private failings to disrupt the people’s work. Over the course of my public life, I have insisted, I believe correctly, that people, regardless of their position or power, take responsibility for their conduct. I can and will ask no less of myself [emphasis added]. For this reason, I am resigning from the office of governor. At Lt. Gov. Paterson’s request, the resignation will be effective Monday, March 17, a date that he believes will permit an orderly transition.
I go forward with the belief, as others have said, that as human beings, our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. As I leave public life, I will first do what I need to do to help and heal myself and my family. Then I will try once again, outside of politics, to serve the common good and to move toward the ideals and solutions which I believe can build a future of hope and opportunity for us and for our children. I hope all of New York will join my prayers for my friend, David Paterson, as he embarks on his new mission, and I thank the public once again for the privilege of service.
Dear Elliott Spitzer:
Let me first say that you are lucky man to be married to someone like your wife. If you had been my husband and involved with numerous prostitutes you wouldn't get a chance to publicly apologize. You would buried in a shallow grave in the backyard. Second, the whole text of your speech just makes me laugh. Did anyone really buy that bullshit? Seriously? Because here's the thing. I think you're mostly sorry that you were caught. I think that you're really sorry that you lost your job and that you had to face your wife.
You're trying to act like it's so righteous that you're resigning now and, how did you put it? "Taking responsibility for my actions"? Wow. Good for you. See, the thing is I don't think your conscience would have ever made you feel bad enough to admit your shortcomings. That's partly what makes me so mad. Your mea culpa is ridiculous, and I'm not even one of your constituents! You broke the law because you're an egoist that thought he wouldn't get caught. I have an idea! How about a leader that not only enforces the law but lives by them! I hope your career is ruined and that your wife leaves you. Because that's what would happen to most men. And really, why should you get anything less?
Friday, March 14, 2008
11 interesting facts
1. Abraham Lincoln had six toes on his left foot.
2. It's illegal to give your dog a human name in North Dakota and Idaho.
3. Whales were the first mammals.
4. In a 2003 study, it was found that Dr. Pepper increased a woman's fertility by 13%.
5. Comet was first invented as a laxative.
6. Early tattoo ink was linked to a rise in schizophrenia.
7. A duck's quack doesn't echo and no one knows why.
8. There are more dust mites in the average pillow then there are people in the world.
9. Salamanders are able to reproduce asexually when no mate is available.
10. Humans are the only species that achieve REM sleep.
11. A homeless person dies every 20 minutes.
2. It's illegal to give your dog a human name in North Dakota and Idaho.
3. Whales were the first mammals.
4. In a 2003 study, it was found that Dr. Pepper increased a woman's fertility by 13%.
5. Comet was first invented as a laxative.
6. Early tattoo ink was linked to a rise in schizophrenia.
7. A duck's quack doesn't echo and no one knows why.
8. There are more dust mites in the average pillow then there are people in the world.
9. Salamanders are able to reproduce asexually when no mate is available.
10. Humans are the only species that achieve REM sleep.
11. A homeless person dies every 20 minutes.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Animal minds
Normally I avoid getting heavy-handed here. For one, I love being snarky and sarcastic and I think other people like it too. Also, I'm not looking to write a political blog or a blog that makes sweeping social generalizations. I want people to read and know that they won't have to read about my politics or views on abortion.
But, with that being said, I am going to blog about something that won't be very snarky. I just finished a great article in National Geographic and I'm going to share it with you all. It was called "Animal Minds" and you can find the full text of the article here. I'm also going to shamelessly plug National Geographic right now. If you don't get it you should. It costs $15 a year and is worth every single penny. Between the articles and the pictures you'll never want to throw them away and you'll be able to enjoy them forever.
Anyway, back to the article I was talking about. It's an article about cognitive research that's been conducted on various species. The studies are not related but they've all found that animals as varied as octopi to scrub jays have the ability to learn, reason and use language. I really wish that I could post the pictures and blurbs from the animals referenced in the study but I can't, so I really hope you'll take the time to look on the website.
Obviously the article only references studies where there were results that showed how animal are able to reason and no studies where cognitive ability wasn't found, but never mind that. I think most people know that animals have some ability to understand. If you've ever owned a pet you probably believe that it is able to understand you. You also probably think that it's capable of learning, at least simple tasks, and of recognizing its name. So doubt the veracity of these studies if you want, but don't ignore what you've experienced.
In relation to reading about the intellectual capabilities of animals I'm forced to think about how we, as a society, and how I, as an individual, view animals. I think most of us take for granted the hamburger we eat or the research that's done on animals. We don't have to think about it and we don't. We lead busy lives and frankly, who wants to think about how the cow died when it might impede our ability to enjoy our meal? However, since we (by "we" I mean we as a society) raise millions of animals for the purpose of consumption and since I can think of no other species that does that I have to wonder what obligation we have to the animals we slaughter. Now I'm no PETA activist, I don't think we should all be vegans or even vegetarians. I simply think that we should be appreciative towards the animals we raise and eat. I think that we all ought to question the morality of keeping animals in pens, unable to move around and in such close quarters that feeding them antibiotics is necessary to ward off inevitable infection. Not only does it make the animal unhealthy, by extension we become more unhealthy as well.
I'm not trying to convert anyone and I'm certainly not saying we should all give up meat or anything like that. I only want to encourage people to give a little more thought to where our meat starts. So I'm going to step down off my soapbox, thanks for listening.
But, with that being said, I am going to blog about something that won't be very snarky. I just finished a great article in National Geographic and I'm going to share it with you all. It was called "Animal Minds" and you can find the full text of the article here. I'm also going to shamelessly plug National Geographic right now. If you don't get it you should. It costs $15 a year and is worth every single penny. Between the articles and the pictures you'll never want to throw them away and you'll be able to enjoy them forever.
Anyway, back to the article I was talking about. It's an article about cognitive research that's been conducted on various species. The studies are not related but they've all found that animals as varied as octopi to scrub jays have the ability to learn, reason and use language. I really wish that I could post the pictures and blurbs from the animals referenced in the study but I can't, so I really hope you'll take the time to look on the website.
Obviously the article only references studies where there were results that showed how animal are able to reason and no studies where cognitive ability wasn't found, but never mind that. I think most people know that animals have some ability to understand. If you've ever owned a pet you probably believe that it is able to understand you. You also probably think that it's capable of learning, at least simple tasks, and of recognizing its name. So doubt the veracity of these studies if you want, but don't ignore what you've experienced.
In relation to reading about the intellectual capabilities of animals I'm forced to think about how we, as a society, and how I, as an individual, view animals. I think most of us take for granted the hamburger we eat or the research that's done on animals. We don't have to think about it and we don't. We lead busy lives and frankly, who wants to think about how the cow died when it might impede our ability to enjoy our meal? However, since we (by "we" I mean we as a society) raise millions of animals for the purpose of consumption and since I can think of no other species that does that I have to wonder what obligation we have to the animals we slaughter. Now I'm no PETA activist, I don't think we should all be vegans or even vegetarians. I simply think that we should be appreciative towards the animals we raise and eat. I think that we all ought to question the morality of keeping animals in pens, unable to move around and in such close quarters that feeding them antibiotics is necessary to ward off inevitable infection. Not only does it make the animal unhealthy, by extension we become more unhealthy as well.
I'm not trying to convert anyone and I'm certainly not saying we should all give up meat or anything like that. I only want to encourage people to give a little more thought to where our meat starts. So I'm going to step down off my soapbox, thanks for listening.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
9 Things I hate
1. Staying at other people's houses
This is something I will not do if my house is less than two hours away. I hate to stay any place that's not my own bed. I didn't like slumber parties as a kid and once I was old enough to drive I saw no reason for staying somewhere else when my own, perfectly good home was not very far away. The only time I can stay in a hotel or with a friend is if I'm on vacation.
This quirk is particularly frustrating for my poor husband when we go visit his brothers in Fort Collins and he wants to hang out and just stay the night and I have a mini-breakdown at the idea of sleeping on a couch or someone else's bed.
2. Not having my own transportation
This is in keeping with number one. When I'm finished doing something, I'm finished. What most people fail to understand, and what precludes me from car-pooling, is when I say I need to leave I really mean: "I needed to leave 15 minutes ago and if we aren't out the door right this second a meltdown will probably ensue."
I blame both number one and two on an extremely sensitive threshold for over stimulation and not an overwhelming desire to be difficult.
3. This car
This is specifically the H3 model but I hate these cars in general. They're all over the place in Texas and I simply do not understand why. For one thing they only average 16 miles a gallon. I'm shocked it's that good. The only explanation I can come up with is that the owners expect they'll be engaging in urban combat if Mexico invades from the south.
Note: since the car's make is also slang for a certain sexual act, and since I don't want people perusing for porn to wind up here, I'm not including the name.
4. Any time someone calls me and doesn't tell me who they are
Unless the caller is Kent, my mom or my dad I can almost guarantee the first two minutes of the conversation will be me trying to determine who I'm talking to if you don't identify yourself. This is particularly vexing at work when an employee calls and doesn't give their name. However that does give me an excuse not to do what they asked.
5. People that give their babies "unique" names
One of the most cruel things can you do to a helpless child. I would like to say here that if your parents are from another country and give you a name that reflects that heritage I think that's fine. I'm speaking of three specific categories of names: normal names with unusual spellings, names that are made up or names that are "unique!". Let me tell you something, if the average person tells you your child's name is "unique" it means they think the name is repulsive and are too polite to say so. Here are some examples:
Normal name, stupid spelling
Made up names
Unique names
At best, your child will be teased unmercifully. At worst you, and they, will look low-class and uneducated. Don't believe me? Just go here. And for the record? I spent some time working with troubled teenage girls that had most of those names so I'm not just making them up.
Also, don't name your kid Giovanni or Sergio. Those are just terrible, terrible names.
6. People that don't get it
Most of us have met people that fall into this category. It's difficult to define "it" but if they don't get "it" you definitely know what I mean. If you've never met one of these people, congratulations! Mostly like it's because you are among those that don't get it.
I work with a few people that fall into this category. It's as though we're speaking in different dimensions. It's almost funny in it's unbelievability. If you recognize it early though you can avoid interacting with these people as much as possible.
7. The following phrases
Once and a while
I could care less
A whole nother
Why do I hate these? It's because they're grammatically WRONG. Let's try:
Once IN a while
I COULDN'T care less
A whole OTHER
Please try to get it right. Thank you!
8. Music snobs
Please get over yourselves.
9. People that claim to not watch TV
I'm not sayin they're liars but I'm pretty sure they're lying
This is something I will not do if my house is less than two hours away. I hate to stay any place that's not my own bed. I didn't like slumber parties as a kid and once I was old enough to drive I saw no reason for staying somewhere else when my own, perfectly good home was not very far away. The only time I can stay in a hotel or with a friend is if I'm on vacation.
This quirk is particularly frustrating for my poor husband when we go visit his brothers in Fort Collins and he wants to hang out and just stay the night and I have a mini-breakdown at the idea of sleeping on a couch or someone else's bed.
2. Not having my own transportation
This is in keeping with number one. When I'm finished doing something, I'm finished. What most people fail to understand, and what precludes me from car-pooling, is when I say I need to leave I really mean: "I needed to leave 15 minutes ago and if we aren't out the door right this second a meltdown will probably ensue."
I blame both number one and two on an extremely sensitive threshold for over stimulation and not an overwhelming desire to be difficult.
3. This car

This is specifically the H3 model but I hate these cars in general. They're all over the place in Texas and I simply do not understand why. For one thing they only average 16 miles a gallon. I'm shocked it's that good. The only explanation I can come up with is that the owners expect they'll be engaging in urban combat if Mexico invades from the south.
Note: since the car's make is also slang for a certain sexual act, and since I don't want people perusing for porn to wind up here, I'm not including the name.
4. Any time someone calls me and doesn't tell me who they are
Unless the caller is Kent, my mom or my dad I can almost guarantee the first two minutes of the conversation will be me trying to determine who I'm talking to if you don't identify yourself. This is particularly vexing at work when an employee calls and doesn't give their name. However that does give me an excuse not to do what they asked.
5. People that give their babies "unique" names
One of the most cruel things can you do to a helpless child. I would like to say here that if your parents are from another country and give you a name that reflects that heritage I think that's fine. I'm speaking of three specific categories of names: normal names with unusual spellings, names that are made up or names that are "unique!". Let me tell you something, if the average person tells you your child's name is "unique" it means they think the name is repulsive and are too polite to say so. Here are some examples:
Normal name, stupid spelling
Made up names
Unique names
At best, your child will be teased unmercifully. At worst you, and they, will look low-class and uneducated. Don't believe me? Just go here. And for the record? I spent some time working with troubled teenage girls that had most of those names so I'm not just making them up.
Also, don't name your kid Giovanni or Sergio. Those are just terrible, terrible names.
6. People that don't get it
Most of us have met people that fall into this category. It's difficult to define "it" but if they don't get "it" you definitely know what I mean. If you've never met one of these people, congratulations! Mostly like it's because you are among those that don't get it.
I work with a few people that fall into this category. It's as though we're speaking in different dimensions. It's almost funny in it's unbelievability. If you recognize it early though you can avoid interacting with these people as much as possible.
7. The following phrases
Once and a while
I could care less
A whole nother
Why do I hate these? It's because they're grammatically WRONG. Let's try:
Once IN a while
I COULDN'T care less
A whole OTHER
Please try to get it right. Thank you!
8. Music snobs
Please get over yourselves.
9. People that claim to not watch TV
I'm not sayin they're liars but I'm pretty sure they're lying
Friday, February 22, 2008
Some of you wondered how Kent and I were able to go to a steakhouse on Sunday and eat steak. The answer is this: apparently Sundays are like little Easters and you are allowed whatever you gave up for Lent. We aren't making this up, Kent's grandpa said it's ok. In case you're wondering at his authority he was an Episcopalian priest. I'm inclined to believe him.
Since this is such a short post I'll add something else. Years ago the Olive Garden used to run a commerical that went like this:
A man: "I even took my Italian grandmother to the Olive Garden!"
Every time my dad saw that commercial he would add: "And then she slapped the shit out of me!"
I still find that hilarious.
Since this is such a short post I'll add something else. Years ago the Olive Garden used to run a commerical that went like this:
A man: "I even took my Italian grandmother to the Olive Garden!"
Every time my dad saw that commercial he would add: "And then she slapped the shit out of me!"
I still find that hilarious.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Tower of the Americas
In our ongoing effort to get out and do things Kent and I thought it would be nice to go to the Tower of the Americas over the weekend. The TotA is like the Space Needle of San Antonio. It's 750 feet and supposedly that makes it taller than the Space Needle. However I don't care enough to actually verify this.
Anyway, the neat thing about it (besides the height) is that at the top there is a rotating restaurant. That sounds like a great idea, huh? Enjoy an upscale meal while also getting a panoramic view of the city. Kent and I sure though so, so we planned to go on Saturday night.
Sadly, when we awoke on Saturday it was to cloudy skies, rain, fog and cold. As much as we wanted to get dressed up and go downtown it seemed like a waste to go to dinner at the TotA when we wouldn't get a nice city view. We ended up going out near our house and had a nice time but...we still wanted to go to TotA for dinner.
Sunday was beautiful. We got up early and went out with dog on a hike and decided that we'd try to do the TotA that night. We got home from our hike about 2:00 and I got online to make dinner reservations for 6:30. Do you have any idea yet where this might be going? The only reservations open were for 4:30 and 9:15. Obviously no one wants to eat dinner at 4:30 unless they're 87 and no one wants to eat at 9:15 unless they live in New York and planning to go clubbing afterwards. Reluctantly I called the restaurant to see if they had reservations open at any other time. They did not but told me to feel free to just come in.
Since we didn't have reservations we took our sweet time getting ready. We were ready to head out around 7:00 and I figured that we would certainly be eating by 8:30. When we got there and handed over our $6 to park (!!!!) and got inside the snotty hostess told us that the wait was currently two hours.
Here's what I'm willing to wait two hours for: the birth of a baby, my work day to end, and my flight from Denver to London to finally land. Nowhere on that list is waiting for any type of food, if you'll notice. When it comes to being seated at a restaurant or having food delivered there are three time periods: now, in the next 30 minutes and we'll go somewhere else.
We were given the option of going up to the bar and deciding there if we wanted to wait for dinner. Since we'd paid for our parking already we figured the least we could do was go up and see the view and the rotation. When we got up to the restaurant we had to go up another flight of stairs to the bar. We sat down and the bartender immediately launched into a diatribe about how shitty the night was going. UH-OH! Usually that's not the first thing a customer wants to hear.
We sat down and tried to enjoy the sparkling city vista. As we sat we tried to see if we could see the rotation at all. We both though that we could faintly detect it. We didn't expect it to be all that fast, since the restaurant only makes one full rotation an hour. After many confused minutes we finally asked the crabby bartended which way were spinning. As it turned out we weren't spinning. Only the downstairs rotated. In hindsight I suppose this makes sense. The last thing you want to do is make life harder for people drinking.
We continued to wait. At this point we figured we were already there plus I truly think we didn't believe that it would actually take two hours to be seated. We ordered appetizers at the bar, as I was becoming increasingly crabby from hunger and distressed by the idea of going to bed after 10:00. The appetizers arrived in relatively short-order and our moods improved. Our bartender turned out to not be such a jerk (he said our snarky remarks cheered him up). We figured we should enjoy being able to go out to dinner at 9:00 PM on a Sunday since someday we'll have kids and that will become impossible.
At 9:15 we were at long last paged for our table. Our wait had been almost two hours on the nose. But it would be worth it. We'd have a delicious meal and enjoy a great view.
First, as it turns out a rotating restaurant isn't such a fun idea. I was stone-cold sober and needed to grip onto the table for several minutes before my head stopped threatening to fly off my body. I mostly adjusted but for the whole meal if I moved my head too fast from side to side I was dizzy.
The we had to wait for an unacceptable amount of time for our waiter to come over. When he got to our table I was pretty sure he'd spent a few minutes in the bathroom with a couple lines of cocaine. He took our orders and told us his life story. While I enjoy learning about people and chatting with them, I must be honest and say that 10:00 PM on a Sunday night when I'm waiting for food is not my most chatty time. I kindly told him that if he wanted to continue his employment he would shut the hell up and get our food order in. No, I didn't really say that but wouldn't it be a great story?
Our food finally arrived at our table at 10:30. I'm sure you can imagine what our meal was like. We ate in exhausted silence while blankly staring out the window. I was too tired to complain that my shrimp were overcooked and the garlic mashed potatoes we gross. The steak was delicious though and other than being too well-done the shrimp tasted fine. The whole ordeal was finally over shortly after 11:00. I would never compromise my journalist integrity by telling you the restaurant where we were so poorly served was the Chart House so I won't.
Up next time: why we ate meat on Sunday! Tune in!
Anyway, the neat thing about it (besides the height) is that at the top there is a rotating restaurant. That sounds like a great idea, huh? Enjoy an upscale meal while also getting a panoramic view of the city. Kent and I sure though so, so we planned to go on Saturday night.
Sadly, when we awoke on Saturday it was to cloudy skies, rain, fog and cold. As much as we wanted to get dressed up and go downtown it seemed like a waste to go to dinner at the TotA when we wouldn't get a nice city view. We ended up going out near our house and had a nice time but...we still wanted to go to TotA for dinner.
Sunday was beautiful. We got up early and went out with dog on a hike and decided that we'd try to do the TotA that night. We got home from our hike about 2:00 and I got online to make dinner reservations for 6:30. Do you have any idea yet where this might be going? The only reservations open were for 4:30 and 9:15. Obviously no one wants to eat dinner at 4:30 unless they're 87 and no one wants to eat at 9:15 unless they live in New York and planning to go clubbing afterwards. Reluctantly I called the restaurant to see if they had reservations open at any other time. They did not but told me to feel free to just come in.
Since we didn't have reservations we took our sweet time getting ready. We were ready to head out around 7:00 and I figured that we would certainly be eating by 8:30. When we got there and handed over our $6 to park (!!!!) and got inside the snotty hostess told us that the wait was currently two hours.
Here's what I'm willing to wait two hours for: the birth of a baby, my work day to end, and my flight from Denver to London to finally land. Nowhere on that list is waiting for any type of food, if you'll notice. When it comes to being seated at a restaurant or having food delivered there are three time periods: now, in the next 30 minutes and we'll go somewhere else.
We were given the option of going up to the bar and deciding there if we wanted to wait for dinner. Since we'd paid for our parking already we figured the least we could do was go up and see the view and the rotation. When we got up to the restaurant we had to go up another flight of stairs to the bar. We sat down and the bartender immediately launched into a diatribe about how shitty the night was going. UH-OH! Usually that's not the first thing a customer wants to hear.
We sat down and tried to enjoy the sparkling city vista. As we sat we tried to see if we could see the rotation at all. We both though that we could faintly detect it. We didn't expect it to be all that fast, since the restaurant only makes one full rotation an hour. After many confused minutes we finally asked the crabby bartended which way were spinning. As it turned out we weren't spinning. Only the downstairs rotated. In hindsight I suppose this makes sense. The last thing you want to do is make life harder for people drinking.
We continued to wait. At this point we figured we were already there plus I truly think we didn't believe that it would actually take two hours to be seated. We ordered appetizers at the bar, as I was becoming increasingly crabby from hunger and distressed by the idea of going to bed after 10:00. The appetizers arrived in relatively short-order and our moods improved. Our bartender turned out to not be such a jerk (he said our snarky remarks cheered him up). We figured we should enjoy being able to go out to dinner at 9:00 PM on a Sunday since someday we'll have kids and that will become impossible.
At 9:15 we were at long last paged for our table. Our wait had been almost two hours on the nose. But it would be worth it. We'd have a delicious meal and enjoy a great view.
First, as it turns out a rotating restaurant isn't such a fun idea. I was stone-cold sober and needed to grip onto the table for several minutes before my head stopped threatening to fly off my body. I mostly adjusted but for the whole meal if I moved my head too fast from side to side I was dizzy.
The we had to wait for an unacceptable amount of time for our waiter to come over. When he got to our table I was pretty sure he'd spent a few minutes in the bathroom with a couple lines of cocaine. He took our orders and told us his life story. While I enjoy learning about people and chatting with them, I must be honest and say that 10:00 PM on a Sunday night when I'm waiting for food is not my most chatty time. I kindly told him that if he wanted to continue his employment he would shut the hell up and get our food order in. No, I didn't really say that but wouldn't it be a great story?
Our food finally arrived at our table at 10:30. I'm sure you can imagine what our meal was like. We ate in exhausted silence while blankly staring out the window. I was too tired to complain that my shrimp were overcooked and the garlic mashed potatoes we gross. The steak was delicious though and other than being too well-done the shrimp tasted fine. The whole ordeal was finally over shortly after 11:00. I would never compromise my journalist integrity by telling you the restaurant where we were so poorly served was the Chart House so I won't.
Up next time: why we ate meat on Sunday! Tune in!
Friday, February 15, 2008
I've been so lazy the past week and suffering from a mild case of writer's block, as I said in my last post. See, I don't want to be one of the bloggers that people read either a) because they know me and feel obligated or b) because I'm so mind-bloggling boring they can't believe it. So that's the story.
Moving right along.
Last week marked the beginning of Lent. Although I'm not Catholic or even all that religious I like to give something up for its 40 days. For example, last year I gave up shopping and I'll thank all of YOU to stop laughing. This year I was undecided on what I wanted to sacrifice. I already gave up drinking so I felt it would be cheating to give it up again since I'm not doing it. Kent decided to give up meat. So two days after the start of Lent I decided to give it up also. I mean, I already hadn't had any for a couple days plus, pratically speaking it would make dinner time easier.
However today was a difficult day. I really, really wanted a turkey sandwich. I stood in front of the cooler at the grocery store eyeing all the premade turkey sandwiches. Little turkeys were can-canning in my head. I gathered all my resolve and got what I can only describe as the most disgusting frozen pesto bowl I've ever had. The up side is that now I don't want a sandwich anymore. The down side is now I feel like barfing.
Going 10 days without makes me wonder how I survived as a vegetarian for a year and half in high school. I gave up meat the summer between junior and senior year. I think my rationale at the time was my concern for poor animals. And of course I can't ignore the secret glee only a teenager can get from doing something they know irritates their parents. I was actually dumb enough not to eat meat even during my summer trip to Germany. People would ask me what I thought of schnitzel and would smugly say "I don't know. I'm a vegetarian. I didn't try it." For some reason no one thought that was as impressive as I did. They just looked at me like I was insane.
Later I went back to Germany as a non-vegetarian and enjoyed delicious schnitzel so this story does have a happy ending. Incidentally, what's up with "flexitarians"? That's the dumbest term I've ever heard. They're people that usually don't eat meat but sometimes do, when they feel like it. Known to the rest of us as OMNIVORES.
Moving right along.
Last week marked the beginning of Lent. Although I'm not Catholic or even all that religious I like to give something up for its 40 days. For example, last year I gave up shopping and I'll thank all of YOU to stop laughing. This year I was undecided on what I wanted to sacrifice. I already gave up drinking so I felt it would be cheating to give it up again since I'm not doing it. Kent decided to give up meat. So two days after the start of Lent I decided to give it up also. I mean, I already hadn't had any for a couple days plus, pratically speaking it would make dinner time easier.
However today was a difficult day. I really, really wanted a turkey sandwich. I stood in front of the cooler at the grocery store eyeing all the premade turkey sandwiches. Little turkeys were can-canning in my head. I gathered all my resolve and got what I can only describe as the most disgusting frozen pesto bowl I've ever had. The up side is that now I don't want a sandwich anymore. The down side is now I feel like barfing.
Going 10 days without makes me wonder how I survived as a vegetarian for a year and half in high school. I gave up meat the summer between junior and senior year. I think my rationale at the time was my concern for poor animals. And of course I can't ignore the secret glee only a teenager can get from doing something they know irritates their parents. I was actually dumb enough not to eat meat even during my summer trip to Germany. People would ask me what I thought of schnitzel and would smugly say "I don't know. I'm a vegetarian. I didn't try it." For some reason no one thought that was as impressive as I did. They just looked at me like I was insane.
Later I went back to Germany as a non-vegetarian and enjoyed delicious schnitzel so this story does have a happy ending. Incidentally, what's up with "flexitarians"? That's the dumbest term I've ever heard. They're people that usually don't eat meat but sometimes do, when they feel like it. Known to the rest of us as OMNIVORES.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
A little blocked up
I mean that in a much less gross way than it sounds. This is the third post I've started in two days. I seem to be suffering from a little case of writer's block. I promise that I haven't abandoned any of you!
I should be up to snuff tomorrow!
I should be up to snuff tomorrow!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The 8 Habits of Highly Ineffective People
1. Make lots of mistakes. Apologize for said mistakes. Continue to make the same ones, over and over.
2. Make sure your moods are completely unpredictable. This works on a day-by-day basis but is even more effective if you can manage hour-by-hour mood variations. You might consider yelling at your coworkers if the mood strikes you. Talk to them an hour later as if nothing happened.
3. Plan to get by on your looks. Do not cultivate any personality or hobbies. When your looks start to fade become demanding and needy. Complain that no one loves you and you don't know why.
4. Make completely terrible choices in your personal life. Ask for a lot of advice. Ignore all of it.
5. Hold onto grudges for years. Pretend like you aren't mad about those things anymore. Release your pent-up rage at completely inappropriate times and in completely inappropriate situations. Act surprised when people question your sanity.
6. Behave like your time is more valuable than anyone else's. You can do this by ignoring emails and phone messages but demanding prompt replies from people that work for or with you. When you do manage to get back to said people make sure that you don't really answer their question.
7. Vehemently argue a point that is, in fact, incorrect. For example, you could argue that the cervix is inside the uterus rather than at its entry. Maintain that all current science textbooks are wrong. Resort to childish name calling. This example is ideal if you are a woman arguing with a man.
8. Ask friends to borrow money to pay your rent. Tell them you'll get evicted in a bid to gain sympathy. Use the borrowed funds to get a tattoo or buy drugs. When said friend realizes they've been duped, promise to pay them back immediately. Instead, stop returning their calls.
2. Make sure your moods are completely unpredictable. This works on a day-by-day basis but is even more effective if you can manage hour-by-hour mood variations. You might consider yelling at your coworkers if the mood strikes you. Talk to them an hour later as if nothing happened.
3. Plan to get by on your looks. Do not cultivate any personality or hobbies. When your looks start to fade become demanding and needy. Complain that no one loves you and you don't know why.
4. Make completely terrible choices in your personal life. Ask for a lot of advice. Ignore all of it.
5. Hold onto grudges for years. Pretend like you aren't mad about those things anymore. Release your pent-up rage at completely inappropriate times and in completely inappropriate situations. Act surprised when people question your sanity.
6. Behave like your time is more valuable than anyone else's. You can do this by ignoring emails and phone messages but demanding prompt replies from people that work for or with you. When you do manage to get back to said people make sure that you don't really answer their question.
7. Vehemently argue a point that is, in fact, incorrect. For example, you could argue that the cervix is inside the uterus rather than at its entry. Maintain that all current science textbooks are wrong. Resort to childish name calling. This example is ideal if you are a woman arguing with a man.
8. Ask friends to borrow money to pay your rent. Tell them you'll get evicted in a bid to gain sympathy. Use the borrowed funds to get a tattoo or buy drugs. When said friend realizes they've been duped, promise to pay them back immediately. Instead, stop returning their calls.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Yesterday was Kent's birthday. In honor of turning 28, I've listed 28 things I love about him. (Obviously I had to leave many things off.) Here we go, in no particular order:
1. He plays the best version of "Rocky Raccoon."
2. He always empties the dishwasher, because he knows I hate it.
3. He takes care of me when I'm sick and never gets frustrated with my whining.
4. He has infinite patience with little kids and they adore him.
5. If he's interested in something he jumps in full-force.
6. He doesn't believe there is anything he can't do.
7. He never complains that I make the coffee too weak.
8. He laughs at my jokes and at my blog.
9. He excels at every physical activity he does but he's not egotistical about being the best.
10. He likes my friends.
11. He likes my family.
12. He immediately makes everyone feel welcome.
13. He's masculine without being macho.
14. He has curly blond hair.
15. He lets me control the remote.
16. He never wears baseball caps.
17. He's more fun than anyone I've ever met.
18. He always remembers my birthday and our anniversary.
19. He's a great cook.
20. My cat loved him from day 1.
21. When we met he said he'd call the next day. I didn't believe he would but he did.
22. He never complains when I want to see a girl movie.
23. Yesterday was his birthday but he still took me out.
24. He always lets me know when he's running late.
25. He's pretty considerate, just in general.
26. He's extremely attractive.
27. He loves to teach people what he knows.
28. He plays the guitar.
I love you Kent!
1. He plays the best version of "Rocky Raccoon."
2. He always empties the dishwasher, because he knows I hate it.
3. He takes care of me when I'm sick and never gets frustrated with my whining.
4. He has infinite patience with little kids and they adore him.
5. If he's interested in something he jumps in full-force.
6. He doesn't believe there is anything he can't do.
7. He never complains that I make the coffee too weak.
8. He laughs at my jokes and at my blog.
9. He excels at every physical activity he does but he's not egotistical about being the best.
10. He likes my friends.
11. He likes my family.
12. He immediately makes everyone feel welcome.
13. He's masculine without being macho.
14. He has curly blond hair.
15. He lets me control the remote.
16. He never wears baseball caps.
17. He's more fun than anyone I've ever met.
18. He always remembers my birthday and our anniversary.
19. He's a great cook.
20. My cat loved him from day 1.
21. When we met he said he'd call the next day. I didn't believe he would but he did.
22. He never complains when I want to see a girl movie.
23. Yesterday was his birthday but he still took me out.
24. He always lets me know when he's running late.
25. He's pretty considerate, just in general.
26. He's extremely attractive.
27. He loves to teach people what he knows.
28. He plays the guitar.
I love you Kent!
A how-to
Dear Fellow Whataburger Customers,
I noticed today that many of you appear to be having a bad day. The first thing that tipped me off was that, frankly, most of you were wearing sweatpants. I understand, as I also love sweatpants but the days I spend in them are days I also don't leave the house. So please let me give you my sympathies for whatever is giving you a difficult time.
With that said, I also noticed that many of you were very rude to the people taking your order. Some of you snapped at them when they asked you a question clarifying what you wanted to eat. One of you interrupted someone else's order because you didn't know your own order number (hint: it's the number on the plastic card you were holding). Almost all of you ignored tenants of common human decency, such as saying "hello", "please" and "thank you".
I imagine this might be difficult to believe but people that work in fast food restaurants are not actually robots. That means they have feelings and are deserving of consideration. Maybe you think that because they work at Whataburger they're below you and therefore you don't need to say "please" or "thank you". First, I would like to point out that none of the employees were wearing sweatpants in public so right there they've got something on most of you. Second, when you were taught manners they were actually for use in all situations. They just make the world a little bit sunnier a place so quit acting like white trash and use them. I will take this opportunity and point out that although you might not have been polite, all the employees unfailingly were.
The last point I would like to make is, even though employing your manners is appropriate in almost all situations, why on Earth would you ever be rude to or otherwise antagonize someone that's in the unique position of handling something you'll be putting in your mouth? If we're being completely honest, you should be lucky that I don't work there because the temptation of sabotaging your meal would be mighty hard to resist.
Also, your sweatpants make you look fat.
I noticed today that many of you appear to be having a bad day. The first thing that tipped me off was that, frankly, most of you were wearing sweatpants. I understand, as I also love sweatpants but the days I spend in them are days I also don't leave the house. So please let me give you my sympathies for whatever is giving you a difficult time.
With that said, I also noticed that many of you were very rude to the people taking your order. Some of you snapped at them when they asked you a question clarifying what you wanted to eat. One of you interrupted someone else's order because you didn't know your own order number (hint: it's the number on the plastic card you were holding). Almost all of you ignored tenants of common human decency, such as saying "hello", "please" and "thank you".
I imagine this might be difficult to believe but people that work in fast food restaurants are not actually robots. That means they have feelings and are deserving of consideration. Maybe you think that because they work at Whataburger they're below you and therefore you don't need to say "please" or "thank you". First, I would like to point out that none of the employees were wearing sweatpants in public so right there they've got something on most of you. Second, when you were taught manners they were actually for use in all situations. They just make the world a little bit sunnier a place so quit acting like white trash and use them. I will take this opportunity and point out that although you might not have been polite, all the employees unfailingly were.
The last point I would like to make is, even though employing your manners is appropriate in almost all situations, why on Earth would you ever be rude to or otherwise antagonize someone that's in the unique position of handling something you'll be putting in your mouth? If we're being completely honest, you should be lucky that I don't work there because the temptation of sabotaging your meal would be mighty hard to resist.
Also, your sweatpants make you look fat.
Monday, January 28, 2008
We took the plunge
As you no doubt remember from an earlier post, we've had a bit of trouble with our Audi. The oil pressure light came on and we took it to the dealership, only for them to run a $700 diagnostic to tell us we needed an oil change. Great! I really didn't want to spend that money on something else.
Anyway, recently the light's been coming on again. After much discussion where we agreed that we were facing at least $2000 in work we decided that perhaps we should look at other vehicles. After much research and even more procrastination on my part we decided that we'd look at getting a Toyota Prius. Our rationale was simple: with the amount and type of driving we do a Prius would give us more than twice the gas mileage we were getting from the Audi. This detail, in fact, meant that even though our car payment would be higher the amount we spent in total every month would be the same. Also we would then be able to walk around feeling very smug.
Anyway, Saturday afternoon we decided we would at least stop by the Toyota dealership. We weren't planning to buy a car. However, you can't go into a car dealership for anything, not even to use the bathroom or get directions, without leaving with a new car. At least that's what people tell me. One of the guys helping us was talking about what happened with his wife's Audi. At 90,000 miles the power steering failed and this happened and that happened. It was very tragic. I think he was making stuff up to get us to agree to buy a new car but it didn't impact us at all. Except to make me very glad the Audi was now going to be someone else's problem.
Another weird thing happened while we were there. This struck me as strange because usually car salesmen will say anything to get you to buy a car (or so I hear). The guy helping us (not the one with the Audi story) asked us how we felt about the Presidential primary. Warning lights start going off in Kent's and my head. He asked us if we'd heard about this candidate, "Uh, I think his name's Osama or something."
Do you mean Barak Obama? Kent and I corrected him much more politely than he deserved. Then he starts telling us that Obama's been raised a Muslim. Now, first of all that's not true as you can read here. We told him that was an urban myth. We told him where could read that it was an urban myth. He started to get a little belligerent. Then he starts telling us that Muslims are trying to take over the country from the inside and that's why Barak Obama (or Osama or whatever) was running for office.
O-kay. That was informative. Way to be every negative Texas stereotype! Xenophobic, ignorant and rude. He almost lost our sale, and would have if we weren't pretty much finished with everything.
I find it baffling that he felt that it was OK to have that conversation with us. Up to that point we'd not mentioned politics at all. He'd never met us and had no idea what kind of people we might be. I mean, other than the fact we were both wearing shirts that said "We hate Islam!". I'm kidding of course. And what did he expect us to do? Whole-heartedly agree with him? Pull out our hoods and crosses?
I'm thinking of calling his manager to complain. I don't want to be a jerk but that is a completely inappropriate conversation to have with a customer and it made Kent and I extremely uncomfortable. Any thoughts?
Anyway, recently the light's been coming on again. After much discussion where we agreed that we were facing at least $2000 in work we decided that perhaps we should look at other vehicles. After much research and even more procrastination on my part we decided that we'd look at getting a Toyota Prius. Our rationale was simple: with the amount and type of driving we do a Prius would give us more than twice the gas mileage we were getting from the Audi. This detail, in fact, meant that even though our car payment would be higher the amount we spent in total every month would be the same. Also we would then be able to walk around feeling very smug.
Anyway, Saturday afternoon we decided we would at least stop by the Toyota dealership. We weren't planning to buy a car. However, you can't go into a car dealership for anything, not even to use the bathroom or get directions, without leaving with a new car. At least that's what people tell me. One of the guys helping us was talking about what happened with his wife's Audi. At 90,000 miles the power steering failed and this happened and that happened. It was very tragic. I think he was making stuff up to get us to agree to buy a new car but it didn't impact us at all. Except to make me very glad the Audi was now going to be someone else's problem.
Another weird thing happened while we were there. This struck me as strange because usually car salesmen will say anything to get you to buy a car (or so I hear). The guy helping us (not the one with the Audi story) asked us how we felt about the Presidential primary. Warning lights start going off in Kent's and my head. He asked us if we'd heard about this candidate, "Uh, I think his name's Osama or something."
Do you mean Barak Obama? Kent and I corrected him much more politely than he deserved. Then he starts telling us that Obama's been raised a Muslim. Now, first of all that's not true as you can read here. We told him that was an urban myth. We told him where could read that it was an urban myth. He started to get a little belligerent. Then he starts telling us that Muslims are trying to take over the country from the inside and that's why Barak Obama (or Osama or whatever) was running for office.
O-kay. That was informative. Way to be every negative Texas stereotype! Xenophobic, ignorant and rude. He almost lost our sale, and would have if we weren't pretty much finished with everything.
I find it baffling that he felt that it was OK to have that conversation with us. Up to that point we'd not mentioned politics at all. He'd never met us and had no idea what kind of people we might be. I mean, other than the fact we were both wearing shirts that said "We hate Islam!". I'm kidding of course. And what did he expect us to do? Whole-heartedly agree with him? Pull out our hoods and crosses?
I'm thinking of calling his manager to complain. I don't want to be a jerk but that is a completely inappropriate conversation to have with a customer and it made Kent and I extremely uncomfortable. Any thoughts?
Friday, January 25, 2008
Good (?) morning
3:50 AM: Phone alarm begins going off to the tune of "Sunshine." Do not feel sunny. Consider drowning phone.
3:55 AM: Phone goes off again. Kent gets out of bed to go on his death march, also known as a battalion run.
4:00 AM: Phone goes off again. Kent says, "For God's sake Maggie. Turn off the alarm." I'm all too happy to comply. I reset the alarm for 6:30 AM.
4:03 AM: Unable to fall back asleep as am racked by guilt that Kent has to get up and go into the cold and I get to cuddle with the dog and cat. Consider getting up in a show of support.
4:05 AM: Back asleep.
4:15 AM: Kent kisses me good bye. I say something incoherent.
4:15 - 6:30 AM: Dream that I remodeling our condo. I'm pulling off the ceiling. Am having a great time.
6:30 AM: Once again alarm goes off. Consider getting up. Hit snooze instead.
6:35 AM: Snooze.
6:40 AM: Snooze.
6:45 - 7:00 AM: Snooze, snooze, snooze, snooze.
7:04 AM: Kent calls. Asks if I'm still asleep. Feel guilty and consider telling him that I've been awake for an hour. Decide to tell the truth since it's the right thing to do. Plus I still have froggy voice.
7:07 AM: Go to coffee maker. Look at it for a full minute. Realize I have to add water and coffee because no fairy has come during the night to do it for me.
7:09 AM: Coffee successfully started! Time to take a shower in order to wet down uncooperative hair.
7:09 - 7:16 AM: Shower. Begin to feel normal.
7:17 AM: Pour coffee. Congratulate self on not oversleeping until 7:30.
7:18 - 7:23 AM: Putter around. Realize that I must leave for work in 20 minutes. Begin to panic.
7:24 AM: Frantically dry hair as is too cold to go outside with it still damp. Give up.
7:25 AM: Search for outfit to wear. Promise self that on Sunday night will begin laying out clothes for the next day. Find something acceptable.
7:28 AM: Realize I must take dog to bathroom before I go. Sulkily eat a sugar cookie while searching for jacket.
7:29 AM: Remember that jacket is in car. Put on a sweater instead.
7:30 - 7:35: Dog runs around searching for a bathroom location. I stand in the freezing drizzle with wet hair. Consider selling dog.
7:38 AM: I call dog to go back upstairs. She just looks at me. Her expression clearly says "You can't really make me and I know it."
7:40 AM: Finally coax dog up to apartment. Realize she needs food. Feed her. Am too late for breakfast. Eat another sugar cookie. Console myself that at least it's not frosted.
7:47 AM: Gather up purse, sweater, laptop and coffee. Grab car keys. Remember that along with jacket I also forgot my housekeys in the car. Become even more irritated.
7:48 AM: Get keys, go back to apartment to lock door.
7:49 AM: Finally in the car! Ready to go. Can't find iPod.
7:50 AM: Locate iPod. Now I'm ready.
7:50 - 8:30 AM: Drive to work. Silently laugh at the woman in the car next to me with a curly mullet. Consider that I have half-wet hair. Stop laughing, as unfortunate hair can happen to anyone.
8:31 AM: Pull up to gate at work. Am stopped and asked to show ID by the same guy that sees me everyday. Show him my military ID. He apologizes for the inconvenience. Ponder if he stops people because his job is boring.
8:32 AM: Pull into work parking lot. Only two minutes late! Buoyed by success in my commute I dump coffee on my lap. Consider quitting work. Realize I will never look immaculate in manner of Posh Spice.
8:34 AM: Get to desk. Marvel at people that do not come to work with wet hair and no make-up. Consider asking them to give me pointers.
8:35 - 8:45 AM: Get computer started and delete the 107 junk emails in my inbox.
I could blog about the rest of my morning, with the internet going down and the tempermental fax machine. But it's getting a little tedious and I have work to get done so I'll just say if anyone has any ideas about how to convince yourself to wake up earlier I'd take them happily.
3:55 AM: Phone goes off again. Kent gets out of bed to go on his death march, also known as a battalion run.
4:00 AM: Phone goes off again. Kent says, "For God's sake Maggie. Turn off the alarm." I'm all too happy to comply. I reset the alarm for 6:30 AM.
4:03 AM: Unable to fall back asleep as am racked by guilt that Kent has to get up and go into the cold and I get to cuddle with the dog and cat. Consider getting up in a show of support.
4:05 AM: Back asleep.
4:15 AM: Kent kisses me good bye. I say something incoherent.
4:15 - 6:30 AM: Dream that I remodeling our condo. I'm pulling off the ceiling. Am having a great time.
6:30 AM: Once again alarm goes off. Consider getting up. Hit snooze instead.
6:35 AM: Snooze.
6:40 AM: Snooze.
6:45 - 7:00 AM: Snooze, snooze, snooze, snooze.
7:04 AM: Kent calls. Asks if I'm still asleep. Feel guilty and consider telling him that I've been awake for an hour. Decide to tell the truth since it's the right thing to do. Plus I still have froggy voice.
7:07 AM: Go to coffee maker. Look at it for a full minute. Realize I have to add water and coffee because no fairy has come during the night to do it for me.
7:09 AM: Coffee successfully started! Time to take a shower in order to wet down uncooperative hair.
7:09 - 7:16 AM: Shower. Begin to feel normal.
7:17 AM: Pour coffee. Congratulate self on not oversleeping until 7:30.
7:18 - 7:23 AM: Putter around. Realize that I must leave for work in 20 minutes. Begin to panic.
7:24 AM: Frantically dry hair as is too cold to go outside with it still damp. Give up.
7:25 AM: Search for outfit to wear. Promise self that on Sunday night will begin laying out clothes for the next day. Find something acceptable.
7:28 AM: Realize I must take dog to bathroom before I go. Sulkily eat a sugar cookie while searching for jacket.
7:29 AM: Remember that jacket is in car. Put on a sweater instead.
7:30 - 7:35: Dog runs around searching for a bathroom location. I stand in the freezing drizzle with wet hair. Consider selling dog.
7:38 AM: I call dog to go back upstairs. She just looks at me. Her expression clearly says "You can't really make me and I know it."
7:40 AM: Finally coax dog up to apartment. Realize she needs food. Feed her. Am too late for breakfast. Eat another sugar cookie. Console myself that at least it's not frosted.
7:47 AM: Gather up purse, sweater, laptop and coffee. Grab car keys. Remember that along with jacket I also forgot my housekeys in the car. Become even more irritated.
7:48 AM: Get keys, go back to apartment to lock door.
7:49 AM: Finally in the car! Ready to go. Can't find iPod.
7:50 AM: Locate iPod. Now I'm ready.
7:50 - 8:30 AM: Drive to work. Silently laugh at the woman in the car next to me with a curly mullet. Consider that I have half-wet hair. Stop laughing, as unfortunate hair can happen to anyone.
8:31 AM: Pull up to gate at work. Am stopped and asked to show ID by the same guy that sees me everyday. Show him my military ID. He apologizes for the inconvenience. Ponder if he stops people because his job is boring.
8:32 AM: Pull into work parking lot. Only two minutes late! Buoyed by success in my commute I dump coffee on my lap. Consider quitting work. Realize I will never look immaculate in manner of Posh Spice.
8:34 AM: Get to desk. Marvel at people that do not come to work with wet hair and no make-up. Consider asking them to give me pointers.
8:35 - 8:45 AM: Get computer started and delete the 107 junk emails in my inbox.
I could blog about the rest of my morning, with the internet going down and the tempermental fax machine. But it's getting a little tedious and I have work to get done so I'll just say if anyone has any ideas about how to convince yourself to wake up earlier I'd take them happily.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Kent and I have not been really good about getting out doing stuff in San Antonio. We both think we probably should but between his exhausting school schedule and my general laziness we spend most weekend and down time at home hanging out with our dog. Over the weekend I though that we should look into remedying this. After all, we are in different city and should probably make some memories that don't include our television.
With that goal in mind I set to work this weekend to find things we could do outside our apartment. San Antonio has a few problems: first, there's simply not a lot to do besides the Riverwalk and the Alamo. We've gone to the Riverwalk and had one over-priced meal and several over-priced beers. (Before I quit drinking, natch.) As for the Alamo, we drove by it once and that seemed like enough. Seriously, my friend told me that it wasn't all that impressive. Maybe we should check it out though so that we can tell other people that and base it on first-hand experience?
Second, San Antonio, much like Denver, does not offer much in the way of museums. It's certainly nothing like New York City or Washington, DC. Not even close. There you have a plethora of exciting museums full of interesting things. Here you can go to the Witte Museum or Ripley's Believe It or Not! which I'm actually dying to see. The Witte Museum is the San Antonio equivalentof the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. I enjoy the DMNS about once every two years or when they get a temporary exhibit that I'm excited about.
Anyway while perusing the Witte Museum's offering I noticed that they'll be hosting Body Worlds II for four months. I'm very excited about this. Kent and I saw Body Worlds in Denver and it was really great. For those of you unfamiliar with it, scientists use polymer impregnation to preserve corpses for anatomical display.
So, now we must go to the baffling thing that happened regarding Body Worlds. Over the weekend I was telling someone about the exhibit. Some of you might be thinking I was verbally bitchslapped by someone that finds Body Worlds offensive, which wasn't the case. I will interject here that was prepared for that however and navigated the situation in such a way that there was no need for the person to lecture me on The Evils Of Science and the Desecration of Corpses. (By the way, I respect that some people's religious beliefs forbid preserving/displaying the dead and that's fine but I expect them to respect that my religion doesn't and we don't need to argue about it. The end.)
No, the shocking part came when this person told me that she had never been to a museum. I thought she was kidding at first. Or that I misheard her. How is it even possible in this day and age to have never been to a museum? What kind of public school system do we have that children don't take trips to museums at least once a year? I don't mean to be dramatic but to me, that's completely incomprehensible. What are schools doing? Is there any concern for children who don't have many resources to get an education equivalent to a child with higher means?
And with that I'm going to go find a Department of Education building to throw rocks at.
With that goal in mind I set to work this weekend to find things we could do outside our apartment. San Antonio has a few problems: first, there's simply not a lot to do besides the Riverwalk and the Alamo. We've gone to the Riverwalk and had one over-priced meal and several over-priced beers. (Before I quit drinking, natch.) As for the Alamo, we drove by it once and that seemed like enough. Seriously, my friend told me that it wasn't all that impressive. Maybe we should check it out though so that we can tell other people that and base it on first-hand experience?
Second, San Antonio, much like Denver, does not offer much in the way of museums. It's certainly nothing like New York City or Washington, DC. Not even close. There you have a plethora of exciting museums full of interesting things. Here you can go to the Witte Museum or Ripley's Believe It or Not! which I'm actually dying to see. The Witte Museum is the San Antonio equivalentof the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. I enjoy the DMNS about once every two years or when they get a temporary exhibit that I'm excited about.
Anyway while perusing the Witte Museum's offering I noticed that they'll be hosting Body Worlds II for four months. I'm very excited about this. Kent and I saw Body Worlds in Denver and it was really great. For those of you unfamiliar with it, scientists use polymer impregnation to preserve corpses for anatomical display.
So, now we must go to the baffling thing that happened regarding Body Worlds. Over the weekend I was telling someone about the exhibit. Some of you might be thinking I was verbally bitchslapped by someone that finds Body Worlds offensive, which wasn't the case. I will interject here that was prepared for that however and navigated the situation in such a way that there was no need for the person to lecture me on The Evils Of Science and the Desecration of Corpses. (By the way, I respect that some people's religious beliefs forbid preserving/displaying the dead and that's fine but I expect them to respect that my religion doesn't and we don't need to argue about it. The end.)
No, the shocking part came when this person told me that she had never been to a museum. I thought she was kidding at first. Or that I misheard her. How is it even possible in this day and age to have never been to a museum? What kind of public school system do we have that children don't take trips to museums at least once a year? I don't mean to be dramatic but to me, that's completely incomprehensible. What are schools doing? Is there any concern for children who don't have many resources to get an education equivalent to a child with higher means?
And with that I'm going to go find a Department of Education building to throw rocks at.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Thank you for not smoking
Some of you may not know that in Colorado, Kent and I are homeowners. If that's the case then you need to start taking better notes about our lives. Anyway, moving down to Texas presented some problems because we'd only be gone nine months and didn't want to (nor would we probably be able to) sell our condo.
Compounding this problem is that our condo, while very nice, doesn't have a washer and dryer. It's one of the upgrades we plan to make but we haven't had a chance to run the water lines or buy a W/D. To me this meant that we would probably not be able to find a mature, responsible renter since most adults refuse to live without a washer and dryer inside their house. By "most" I of course mean that I will not rent someplace that doesn't have that feature.
Anyway. So we were faced with the arduous task of finding someone to rent our place. In April we started thinking seriously about starting to find someone. To facilitate this we did absolutely nothing.
As luck would have it I went to lunch one day with a friend and was discussing our lack-of-renter dilemma with her. I was telling her that we'd done nothing to find anyone and surprisingly had no prospects. She asked what kind of person we were looking for and I told her that a single, employed, middle-aged person with no pets or active social life would be ideal. She didn't have one of those for me but she did have a single, 19-year-old brother that needed someplace to live right away. This seemed to violate my main rule: no one with an active social life that might want to have people over. TEENAGE people with no respect for wood floors or new carpet. However I did figure he was young enough that he probably hadn't figured out the whole washer/dryer thing yet so I grudgingly told her to give him my number.
The short version of the story is that he ended up renting from us but wanted to move in two months earlier than we'd orginally planned. Realizing that any other prospects would have to be found and there would be work involved with that my husband and I agreed to move in with my parents for six weeks. All I can say about that six week period is that everyone played nice and there were no murders.
As it turned out our renter is a considerate and well-mannered kid. He's very polite and assured me numerous times he would take very good care of our wood floors and newly installed carpet. He even promised to keep our house clean, to which I said I couldn't care less as long as we didn't return to find cockroaches in the cupboards.
I had only one rule.
Under no circumstances was anyone ever to smoke cigarettes in our house. EVER. He promised no one would, and that he himself wasn't even a smoker anymore. That reassured me immensely, but I still made him sign the lease in his blood. It's not that I didn't believe him it's just that would be the one offense for which I'd have to string a tenant up by their thumbs and beat them. I would really hate to have to do that.
I was forced to think about this over the weekend when we to some friends' house. See, they are renters as well as indoor smokers. I wonder if their landlord knows or cares? I know that I care when we go over there. I am actually surprised when anyone over the age of 25 smokes. I can understand smoking as a teenager in a misguided attempt to rebel but really, why keep doing after you turn 25? Don't you realize by that point your parents aren't complete idiots whose every wish should be violated? I mean, I figured that one out by 21 but I respect that some people aren't quite so mature. (If my parents are laughing now they need to shut their faces. Love you!)
Compounding this problem is that our condo, while very nice, doesn't have a washer and dryer. It's one of the upgrades we plan to make but we haven't had a chance to run the water lines or buy a W/D. To me this meant that we would probably not be able to find a mature, responsible renter since most adults refuse to live without a washer and dryer inside their house. By "most" I of course mean that I will not rent someplace that doesn't have that feature.
Anyway. So we were faced with the arduous task of finding someone to rent our place. In April we started thinking seriously about starting to find someone. To facilitate this we did absolutely nothing.
As luck would have it I went to lunch one day with a friend and was discussing our lack-of-renter dilemma with her. I was telling her that we'd done nothing to find anyone and surprisingly had no prospects. She asked what kind of person we were looking for and I told her that a single, employed, middle-aged person with no pets or active social life would be ideal. She didn't have one of those for me but she did have a single, 19-year-old brother that needed someplace to live right away. This seemed to violate my main rule: no one with an active social life that might want to have people over. TEENAGE people with no respect for wood floors or new carpet. However I did figure he was young enough that he probably hadn't figured out the whole washer/dryer thing yet so I grudgingly told her to give him my number.
The short version of the story is that he ended up renting from us but wanted to move in two months earlier than we'd orginally planned. Realizing that any other prospects would have to be found and there would be work involved with that my husband and I agreed to move in with my parents for six weeks. All I can say about that six week period is that everyone played nice and there were no murders.
As it turned out our renter is a considerate and well-mannered kid. He's very polite and assured me numerous times he would take very good care of our wood floors and newly installed carpet. He even promised to keep our house clean, to which I said I couldn't care less as long as we didn't return to find cockroaches in the cupboards.
I had only one rule.
Under no circumstances was anyone ever to smoke cigarettes in our house. EVER. He promised no one would, and that he himself wasn't even a smoker anymore. That reassured me immensely, but I still made him sign the lease in his blood. It's not that I didn't believe him it's just that would be the one offense for which I'd have to string a tenant up by their thumbs and beat them. I would really hate to have to do that.
I was forced to think about this over the weekend when we to some friends' house. See, they are renters as well as indoor smokers. I wonder if their landlord knows or cares? I know that I care when we go over there. I am actually surprised when anyone over the age of 25 smokes. I can understand smoking as a teenager in a misguided attempt to rebel but really, why keep doing after you turn 25? Don't you realize by that point your parents aren't complete idiots whose every wish should be violated? I mean, I figured that one out by 21 but I respect that some people aren't quite so mature. (If my parents are laughing now they need to shut their faces. Love you!)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Quiz time!
I'm bored. Therefore you all get a quiz. You're so lucky, I hope you appreciate all this hard work I go to so you'll stay amused.
What is your salad dressing of choice?
Hidden Valley Ranch. Yes, I’m a cliché.
What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
How can I pick just one?
On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
20% unless the service is really terrible. Then I leave 25%, since they’ll need it when I get them fired.
What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
Bagels and cream cheese.
Name three foods you detest above all others.
Beef stroganoff, rice pudding and that’s about it.
What is your favorite dish to order in a Chinese restaurant?
As far as I’m concerned the only dish that exists is chicken and broccoli.
What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Black olives and mushrooms. It’s ok if you hate this. Of course it means we can't be friends anymore.
What do you like to put on your toast?
Butter and cinnamon sugar.
What is your favorite type of gum?
The kind that doesn’t give me TMJ. Oh wait, that kind doesn’t exist.
What is your wallpaper on your computer?
What is your screensaver on your computer?
I don’t have one, they bug me.
Are there naked pictures saved on your computer?
NO! What did you hear??
What kitchen appliance do you use the most?
The coffee maker. Begetter of sweet, sweet caffeine.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Teeth and a couple extra fingers.
Do you prefer to read when you go to the bathroom?
I prefer to read when I go anywhere or do anything.
When was the last time you had a cavity?
Next time I go to the dentist, I’m afraid.
What is the heaviest item you lift regularly?
The cat. She’s pretty fat.
Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
Not yet! Although when I was in junior high we used to play this horrible “game” where we made ourselves pass out. Oh to be young and completely stupid.
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Only if it were tomorrow. So I could hide from Death behind the couch.
How do you express your artistic side?
Interpretive dance and playing the lute.
What color do you think you look best in?
Navy blue and green. But not together.
How long do you think you could last in a medium security prison?
Do I get a shank? Because if so then I would be Queen of the Prison Yard for at least two weeks.
If we weren't bound by society's conventions, do you have a relative you would make a pass at? Here’s the thing. Since I do live by society’s conventions (at least with regard to playing in the gene pool with relatives) I am incapable of answering this question with anything but “ew” and you're a pervert.
Have you ever saved someone's life?
No, but I've considered ending some people's.
Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000?
Yes, and then I would move.
Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
Of course not. I have some standards. Sheesh.
Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
Hm, I would have to ask Kent how he’d feel about that.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Never. Not even for $500,000.
Would you shave your head and get your entire body waxed for $5,000?
This is a no-brainer. I usually have to pay practically that much for the waxing. I think this is a question for guys.
Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000?
Er…I don’t know if I can do that. Is it tax-free?
Would you never blog again for $50,000?
Sure. I would just write about my life online. But it wouldn't be a blog.
What is your salad dressing of choice?
Hidden Valley Ranch. Yes, I’m a cliché.
What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
How can I pick just one?
On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
20% unless the service is really terrible. Then I leave 25%, since they’ll need it when I get them fired.
What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
Bagels and cream cheese.
Name three foods you detest above all others.
Beef stroganoff, rice pudding and that’s about it.
What is your favorite dish to order in a Chinese restaurant?
As far as I’m concerned the only dish that exists is chicken and broccoli.
What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Black olives and mushrooms. It’s ok if you hate this. Of course it means we can't be friends anymore.
What do you like to put on your toast?
Butter and cinnamon sugar.
What is your favorite type of gum?
The kind that doesn’t give me TMJ. Oh wait, that kind doesn’t exist.
What is your wallpaper on your computer?
What is your screensaver on your computer?
I don’t have one, they bug me.
Are there naked pictures saved on your computer?
NO! What did you hear??
What kitchen appliance do you use the most?
The coffee maker. Begetter of sweet, sweet caffeine.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Teeth and a couple extra fingers.
Do you prefer to read when you go to the bathroom?
I prefer to read when I go anywhere or do anything.
When was the last time you had a cavity?
Next time I go to the dentist, I’m afraid.
What is the heaviest item you lift regularly?
The cat. She’s pretty fat.
Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
Not yet! Although when I was in junior high we used to play this horrible “game” where we made ourselves pass out. Oh to be young and completely stupid.
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Only if it were tomorrow. So I could hide from Death behind the couch.
How do you express your artistic side?
Interpretive dance and playing the lute.
What color do you think you look best in?
Navy blue and green. But not together.
How long do you think you could last in a medium security prison?
Do I get a shank? Because if so then I would be Queen of the Prison Yard for at least two weeks.
If we weren't bound by society's conventions, do you have a relative you would make a pass at? Here’s the thing. Since I do live by society’s conventions (at least with regard to playing in the gene pool with relatives) I am incapable of answering this question with anything but “ew” and you're a pervert.
Have you ever saved someone's life?
No, but I've considered ending some people's.
Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000?
Yes, and then I would move.
Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
Of course not. I have some standards. Sheesh.
Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
Hm, I would have to ask Kent how he’d feel about that.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Never. Not even for $500,000.
Would you shave your head and get your entire body waxed for $5,000?
This is a no-brainer. I usually have to pay practically that much for the waxing. I think this is a question for guys.
Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000?
Er…I don’t know if I can do that. Is it tax-free?
Would you never blog again for $50,000?
Sure. I would just write about my life online. But it wouldn't be a blog.
Some things aren't meant for public consumption
Just because you have a cell phone doesn't mean that every conversation is now appropriate to have in public. Apparently that memo wasn't given to the guy in the post office this morning. He would have irritated me regardless of the conversation he had because he had an extremely loud, booming voice. You know the "Hey! HEY EVERYONE! Look at me. I have a cell phone and I'm such a wanker I'm going to talk on it in line." You know the type.
Anyway, he decided that since he has this beacon of convience and mobility he should probably have a loud argument with his doctor's office about a procedure he had that insurance wouldn't cover. I couldn't tell if the profanities coming out of his mouth were directed at the person he was speaking with or the insurance company. However I did learn that he has some sort of prostate problem. So then I could look at him and think "I know you have an enlarged prostate" which is really a very odd thing to know about someone you aren't related to.
I'm not one of those people that hates all cell phones and thinks they should be condemned to the fires of hell. I actually find mine quite handy. However I am all for condemning people that misuse them to the fiery circles of hell. This includes people like my friend at the post office along with people that talk on their phones while they're being rung up at a store and people that veer around dangerously on the highway while having what I can only guess is a lively session of phone sex.
The man sharing inappropriate medical information in line reminds me of another story. For a long time I went to a pharmacy I'll call Rite Aid, since that's which one it was. I was almost always helped by "Beth". I dreaded dealing with "Beth" because there was something a little...off about her. I went in for months and she seemed to have some sort social interaction impairment. I actually sort of figured she had Asperger's Syndrome.
Not only did I not enjoy having to deal with "Beth" but it was also very difficult to get in and out of this Rite Aid. So when a Walgreen's went in right by my house (much easier to navigate) I thought about switching pharmacies. But I am a loyal customer and just because "Beth" was weird and it was a pain to get in and out of Rite Aid was not incentive enough to take my business elsewhere. Until one day...
I was waiting in line one day and a gentleman ahead of me was trying to pick up his prescriptions. He gave his name and good old "Beth" looked at him and said in her very robotic voice, "Are you picking up the Viagra?" Did I also mention that she had a voice like a foghorn? I was several feet behind the guy but I'm guessing that people across the store could hear her. This guy bent over and said in what I can only imagine was a low, embarrassed voice, "No, the Ambien." So now I know that you're impotent and can't sleep. How awkward. Of course it wasn't his fault so I looked at the ceiling and pretended that I was very interested in the lighting system. You know, rather than mocking him and calling him names.
That pretty much ended my days of giving Rite Aid my business. I marched myself up to Walgreen's and had them start filling my prescriptions. The end.
Anyway, he decided that since he has this beacon of convience and mobility he should probably have a loud argument with his doctor's office about a procedure he had that insurance wouldn't cover. I couldn't tell if the profanities coming out of his mouth were directed at the person he was speaking with or the insurance company. However I did learn that he has some sort of prostate problem. So then I could look at him and think "I know you have an enlarged prostate" which is really a very odd thing to know about someone you aren't related to.
I'm not one of those people that hates all cell phones and thinks they should be condemned to the fires of hell. I actually find mine quite handy. However I am all for condemning people that misuse them to the fiery circles of hell. This includes people like my friend at the post office along with people that talk on their phones while they're being rung up at a store and people that veer around dangerously on the highway while having what I can only guess is a lively session of phone sex.
The man sharing inappropriate medical information in line reminds me of another story. For a long time I went to a pharmacy I'll call Rite Aid, since that's which one it was. I was almost always helped by "Beth". I dreaded dealing with "Beth" because there was something a little...off about her. I went in for months and she seemed to have some sort social interaction impairment. I actually sort of figured she had Asperger's Syndrome.
Not only did I not enjoy having to deal with "Beth" but it was also very difficult to get in and out of this Rite Aid. So when a Walgreen's went in right by my house (much easier to navigate) I thought about switching pharmacies. But I am a loyal customer and just because "Beth" was weird and it was a pain to get in and out of Rite Aid was not incentive enough to take my business elsewhere. Until one day...
I was waiting in line one day and a gentleman ahead of me was trying to pick up his prescriptions. He gave his name and good old "Beth" looked at him and said in her very robotic voice, "Are you picking up the Viagra?" Did I also mention that she had a voice like a foghorn? I was several feet behind the guy but I'm guessing that people across the store could hear her. This guy bent over and said in what I can only imagine was a low, embarrassed voice, "No, the Ambien." So now I know that you're impotent and can't sleep. How awkward. Of course it wasn't his fault so I looked at the ceiling and pretended that I was very interested in the lighting system. You know, rather than mocking him and calling him names.
That pretty much ended my days of giving Rite Aid my business. I marched myself up to Walgreen's and had them start filling my prescriptions. The end.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Can't it please be over?
I'm practically the worst sick person in the world. I suppose a few people are worse than me but I'm pretty bad. So you can imagine how much fun I've been these last few weeks. The week before Christmas I started feeling pretty bad, worse than just a cold. It was different than a normal cold though, because just my lungs hurt. Then I got a fever. Good times. I'd been putting off finding a doctor down here because I never really go to the doctor. So of course I need a doctor now and I don't have one. I found an urgent care I could go to (which my insurance didn't cover) and the doctor told me that I had bronchitis. Yay!
I was sick with that for weeks. I was so sick when we drove back to Colorado that Kent ended up driving pretty much the whole time. I was still sort of sick when we came home a week later but I thought I was on an upswing. Then Kent got sick. Three days later I got his cold. That was last week. Now I'm finally starting to feel better again! But...this morning Kent woke up with pinkeye. I've never had pinkeye but I hear that it's very contagious. I'm afraid it might be next on my list.
I'm hoping that this week will mark the end of being sick, at least for a while. Cross your fingers for me that I don't get pinkeye. Yikes.
I was sick with that for weeks. I was so sick when we drove back to Colorado that Kent ended up driving pretty much the whole time. I was still sort of sick when we came home a week later but I thought I was on an upswing. Then Kent got sick. Three days later I got his cold. That was last week. Now I'm finally starting to feel better again! But...this morning Kent woke up with pinkeye. I've never had pinkeye but I hear that it's very contagious. I'm afraid it might be next on my list.
I'm hoping that this week will mark the end of being sick, at least for a while. Cross your fingers for me that I don't get pinkeye. Yikes.
Friday, January 11, 2008
A great day
Ladies and gentlemen.
Today is a monumental day.
This morning I was able to fit into my skinny jeans. Not only did they fit, I was also able to button them without looking like a sausage. I have not been able to wear these for a year so you can imagine how ecstatic I was when I realized they once again fit.
Full credit must be giving to abstaining from alcohol. If I ever needed motivation to continue my abstention this is it. I will willingly never drink again as long as these pants will fit me forever. Of course, I must also note other good things happen when you don't drink. Today though, the pants are key.
Now if I would only start exercising instead of watching three hours of reality TV every night.
Today is a monumental day.
This morning I was able to fit into my skinny jeans. Not only did they fit, I was also able to button them without looking like a sausage. I have not been able to wear these for a year so you can imagine how ecstatic I was when I realized they once again fit.
Full credit must be giving to abstaining from alcohol. If I ever needed motivation to continue my abstention this is it. I will willingly never drink again as long as these pants will fit me forever. Of course, I must also note other good things happen when you don't drink. Today though, the pants are key.
Now if I would only start exercising instead of watching three hours of reality TV every night.
Monday, January 7, 2008
A new start
Well how can I expect to maintain a readership when I never update? Seriously I have no excuse aside from pure laziness. But new year, new motivation. I hope everyone had a good Christmas. We drove home to Colorado to see our families. On the way there we did the trip in one day and drove for 14 hours. The last three hours from Pueblo to Lakewood were painfully long. I was sick with bronchitis, Kent's back was killing him from driving and we were hungry. The actual holiday itself was full of drama and fighting. I don't really want to get into it but I think next time we'd be better off to stay in a hotel.
We decided to do the drive home in two days and stayed in Lubbock on New Year's Eve. It wasn't too bad, we had a bottle of champagne and watched the ball drop in Times Square. We both made our resolutions and talked about how we wanted to accomplish them. I didn't make any resolutions last year and I sort of regretted it. Even though they're kind of silly the new year does provide a clean slate and a starting point for making improvements.
I only had one resolution this year and that was to take better care of myself emotionally and physically. I am almost incapable of really relaxing so that's the biggie for me. Just learning how to take deep breaths and not stress so much. I think I'm doing pretty well so far. The other resolution I made was to quit drinking for at least 30 (consecutive) days. I'm at a week so far and really proud of myself. I've already lost some weight, I'm sleeping better and overall I just feel happier. I'm not an alcoholic but, like everyone in my family, I drink too much. I don't want my life to be all about needing alcohol to socialize so I stopped. This weekend was hard because we were with friends and everyone was drinking but me but I resisted. That was definitely something to feel accomplished over.
I hope all you had a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year's. I promise my postings will be more frequent (especially since I finally got our home computer set up and no longer have to rely on my work laptop!).
We decided to do the drive home in two days and stayed in Lubbock on New Year's Eve. It wasn't too bad, we had a bottle of champagne and watched the ball drop in Times Square. We both made our resolutions and talked about how we wanted to accomplish them. I didn't make any resolutions last year and I sort of regretted it. Even though they're kind of silly the new year does provide a clean slate and a starting point for making improvements.
I only had one resolution this year and that was to take better care of myself emotionally and physically. I am almost incapable of really relaxing so that's the biggie for me. Just learning how to take deep breaths and not stress so much. I think I'm doing pretty well so far. The other resolution I made was to quit drinking for at least 30 (consecutive) days. I'm at a week so far and really proud of myself. I've already lost some weight, I'm sleeping better and overall I just feel happier. I'm not an alcoholic but, like everyone in my family, I drink too much. I don't want my life to be all about needing alcohol to socialize so I stopped. This weekend was hard because we were with friends and everyone was drinking but me but I resisted. That was definitely something to feel accomplished over.
I hope all you had a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year's. I promise my postings will be more frequent (especially since I finally got our home computer set up and no longer have to rely on my work laptop!).
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