Monday, January 7, 2008

A new start

Well how can I expect to maintain a readership when I never update? Seriously I have no excuse aside from pure laziness. But new year, new motivation. I hope everyone had a good Christmas. We drove home to Colorado to see our families. On the way there we did the trip in one day and drove for 14 hours. The last three hours from Pueblo to Lakewood were painfully long. I was sick with bronchitis, Kent's back was killing him from driving and we were hungry. The actual holiday itself was full of drama and fighting. I don't really want to get into it but I think next time we'd be better off to stay in a hotel.

We decided to do the drive home in two days and stayed in Lubbock on New Year's Eve. It wasn't too bad, we had a bottle of champagne and watched the ball drop in Times Square. We both made our resolutions and talked about how we wanted to accomplish them. I didn't make any resolutions last year and I sort of regretted it. Even though they're kind of silly the new year does provide a clean slate and a starting point for making improvements.

I only had one resolution this year and that was to take better care of myself emotionally and physically. I am almost incapable of really relaxing so that's the biggie for me. Just learning how to take deep breaths and not stress so much. I think I'm doing pretty well so far. The other resolution I made was to quit drinking for at least 30 (consecutive) days. I'm at a week so far and really proud of myself. I've already lost some weight, I'm sleeping better and overall I just feel happier. I'm not an alcoholic but, like everyone in my family, I drink too much. I don't want my life to be all about needing alcohol to socialize so I stopped. This weekend was hard because we were with friends and everyone was drinking but me but I resisted. That was definitely something to feel accomplished over.

I hope all you had a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year's. I promise my postings will be more frequent (especially since I finally got our home computer set up and no longer have to rely on my work laptop!).


Rural Dee said...

Yay, New Year's! Yay, resolutions! Don't worry, you don't need alcohol to socialize with ME! In fact, I would prefer you without it! You don't need anything but your niceness, of which you have plenty. :)

-hanna said...

so how are you coming along on your 'no drinking' resolution? i guess i must read on to find out!