Another political season, another opportunity for rude people to pepper my inbox with emails that are presumptous and offensive. The guilty party doesn't actually even know my politics and assume that I agree with their bigoted, misinformed point of view.
Oh what the hell, I'm not going to dance around this. The emails I get are in regard to Barack Obama. I don't care if you dislike him because you disagree with his politics. For all you know I might not agree with his politics either. BUT, these emails I get are basically racist missives that call his character into question because of his heritage. It's disgusting and I would have liked to hope that the people I'm friends with are more enlightened. However that is clearly not the case. Up to this point I've basically deleted the emails without reading them but now I'm riled up and considering what I should do.
Do I stop associating with this person? Clearly our values are very different. Do I send an email and attempt to educate him/her? Or do I continue to delete the emails and not say anything. What would you do?
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