Yesterday I mailed in my ballot. Today that means that I don't want to hear one single word about politics until November 5 when the news tells me who's been elected President.
Also, can people please stop shoving their opinions down my throat? Can they stop assuming that I want to hear what they think? Because here's the thing: I DON'T CARE. Even if we agree I don't care how you vote or why you're voting that way.
As another aside, to all of you that hate people that aren't in your party (regardless if you're right of left) I want to thank you for making the world a little bit worse. YOU are a big part of why there is so much animosity in this country. YOU are the reason that people can't have a civilized discussion and maybe make things better. So congratulations! I hope you can sleep at night knowing that you've added absolutely nothing positive. I hope you feel better knowing that you've further alienated people who disagree with you rather than helping them see why you might be right.
I can't wait for November 5.
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