3:50 AM: Phone alarm begins going off to the tune of "Sunshine." Do not feel sunny. Consider drowning phone.
3:55 AM: Phone goes off again. Kent gets out of bed to go on his death march, also known as a battalion run.
4:00 AM: Phone goes off again. Kent says, "For God's sake Maggie. Turn off the alarm." I'm all too happy to comply. I reset the alarm for 6:30 AM.
4:03 AM: Unable to fall back asleep as am racked by guilt that Kent has to get up and go into the cold and I get to cuddle with the dog and cat. Consider getting up in a show of support.
4:05 AM: Back asleep.
4:15 AM: Kent kisses me good bye. I say something incoherent.
4:15 - 6:30 AM: Dream that I remodeling our condo. I'm pulling off the ceiling. Am having a great time.
6:30 AM: Once again alarm goes off. Consider getting up. Hit snooze instead.
6:35 AM: Snooze.
6:40 AM: Snooze.
6:45 - 7:00 AM: Snooze, snooze, snooze, snooze.
7:04 AM: Kent calls. Asks if I'm still asleep. Feel guilty and consider telling him that I've been awake for an hour. Decide to tell the truth since it's the right thing to do. Plus I still have froggy voice.
7:07 AM: Go to coffee maker. Look at it for a full minute. Realize I have to add water and coffee because no fairy has come during the night to do it for me.
7:09 AM: Coffee successfully started! Time to take a shower in order to wet down uncooperative hair.
7:09 - 7:16 AM: Shower. Begin to feel normal.
7:17 AM: Pour coffee. Congratulate self on not oversleeping until 7:30.
7:18 - 7:23 AM: Putter around. Realize that I must leave for work in 20 minutes. Begin to panic.
7:24 AM: Frantically dry hair as is too cold to go outside with it still damp. Give up.
7:25 AM: Search for outfit to wear. Promise self that on Sunday night will begin laying out clothes for the next day. Find something acceptable.
7:28 AM: Realize I must take dog to bathroom before I go. Sulkily eat a sugar cookie while searching for jacket.
7:29 AM: Remember that jacket is in car. Put on a sweater instead.
7:30 - 7:35: Dog runs around searching for a bathroom location. I stand in the freezing drizzle with wet hair. Consider selling dog.
7:38 AM: I call dog to go back upstairs. She just looks at me. Her expression clearly says "You can't really make me and I know it."
7:40 AM: Finally coax dog up to apartment. Realize she needs food. Feed her. Am too late for breakfast. Eat another sugar cookie. Console myself that at least it's not frosted.
7:47 AM: Gather up purse, sweater, laptop and coffee. Grab car keys. Remember that along with jacket I also forgot my housekeys in the car. Become even more irritated.
7:48 AM: Get keys, go back to apartment to lock door.
7:49 AM: Finally in the car! Ready to go. Can't find iPod.
7:50 AM: Locate iPod. Now I'm ready.
7:50 - 8:30 AM: Drive to work. Silently laugh at the woman in the car next to me with a curly mullet. Consider that I have half-wet hair. Stop laughing, as unfortunate hair can happen to anyone.
8:31 AM: Pull up to gate at work. Am stopped and asked to show ID by the same guy that sees me everyday. Show him my military ID. He apologizes for the inconvenience. Ponder if he stops people because his job is boring.
8:32 AM: Pull into work parking lot. Only two minutes late! Buoyed by success in my commute I dump coffee on my lap. Consider quitting work. Realize I will never look immaculate in manner of Posh Spice.
8:34 AM: Get to desk. Marvel at people that do not come to work with wet hair and no make-up. Consider asking them to give me pointers.
8:35 - 8:45 AM: Get computer started and delete the 107 junk emails in my inbox.
I could blog about the rest of my morning, with the internet going down and the tempermental fax machine. But it's getting a little tedious and I have work to get done so I'll just say if anyone has any ideas about how to convince yourself to wake up earlier I'd take them happily.
sorry maggie... i'm a habitual snooze button pusher... i call myself successful if i can wake up within 30 min of my first snooze button push... althought most of the time i set my alarm at least 45 min from the time i REALLY need to get up at...
So your mother finally convinces me to read your “blog”, saying “she’s pretty funny”. I read this “blog” thing, and am thinking “Oh swell, we spend a gazillion dollars on your degree, you graduate with some muckety muck kind of honor, and we get a “BLOG”!!!!
Great, and now you complain about having a job and driving 40 minutes to work. How many times do I have to tell you, learn to put the telephone on call forwarding; geez, and I spent a gazillion dollars and you can’t figure it out.
Then in some previous “blog” you talk about not killing each other when you stayed with your mom and me. You didn’t tell them that your mom and I moved to a motel for four of those six weeks, and I stayed drunk the entire time. How about some “truth in advertising”?
I’m sure this will be the last time I bother with reading this blog. And no, I don’t have $20 you can borrow to go to the mall.
Love, Dad
p.s. Try getting up earlier, it won’t really kill you.
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