This is something I will not do if my house is less than two hours away. I hate to stay any place that's not my own bed. I didn't like slumber parties as a kid and once I was old enough to drive I saw no reason for staying somewhere else when my own, perfectly good home was not very far away. The only time I can stay in a hotel or with a friend is if I'm on vacation.
This quirk is particularly frustrating for my poor husband when we go visit his brothers in Fort Collins and he wants to hang out and just stay the night and I have a mini-breakdown at the idea of sleeping on a couch or someone else's bed.
2. Not having my own transportation
This is in keeping with number one. When I'm finished doing something, I'm finished. What most people fail to understand, and what precludes me from car-pooling, is when I say I need to leave I really mean: "I needed to leave 15 minutes ago and if we aren't out the door right this second a meltdown will probably ensue."
I blame both number one and two on an extremely sensitive threshold for over stimulation and not an overwhelming desire to be difficult.
3. This car

This is specifically the H3 model but I hate these cars in general. They're all over the place in Texas and I simply do not understand why. For one thing they only average 16 miles a gallon. I'm shocked it's that good. The only explanation I can come up with is that the owners expect they'll be engaging in urban combat if Mexico invades from the south.
Note: since the car's make is also slang for a certain sexual act, and since I don't want people perusing for porn to wind up here, I'm not including the name.
4. Any time someone calls me and doesn't tell me who they are
Unless the caller is Kent, my mom or my dad I can almost guarantee the first two minutes of the conversation will be me trying to determine who I'm talking to if you don't identify yourself. This is particularly vexing at work when an employee calls and doesn't give their name. However that does give me an excuse not to do what they asked.
5. People that give their babies "unique" names
One of the most cruel things can you do to a helpless child. I would like to say here that if your parents are from another country and give you a name that reflects that heritage I think that's fine. I'm speaking of three specific categories of names: normal names with unusual spellings, names that are made up or names that are "unique!". Let me tell you something, if the average person tells you your child's name is "unique" it means they think the name is repulsive and are too polite to say so. Here are some examples:
Normal name, stupid spelling
Made up names
Unique names
At best, your child will be teased unmercifully. At worst you, and they, will look low-class and uneducated. Don't believe me? Just go here. And for the record? I spent some time working with troubled teenage girls that had most of those names so I'm not just making them up.
Also, don't name your kid Giovanni or Sergio. Those are just terrible, terrible names.
6. People that don't get it
Most of us have met people that fall into this category. It's difficult to define "it" but if they don't get "it" you definitely know what I mean. If you've never met one of these people, congratulations! Mostly like it's because you are among those that don't get it.
I work with a few people that fall into this category. It's as though we're speaking in different dimensions. It's almost funny in it's unbelievability. If you recognize it early though you can avoid interacting with these people as much as possible.
7. The following phrases
Once and a while
I could care less
A whole nother
Why do I hate these? It's because they're grammatically WRONG. Let's try:
Once IN a while
I COULDN'T care less
A whole OTHER
Please try to get it right. Thank you!
8. Music snobs
Please get over yourselves.
9. People that claim to not watch TV
I'm not sayin they're liars but I'm pretty sure they're lying
1 comment:
One of your great grandmothers was named Amanda Miranda Maitland XXXXXX. I also knew a guy in the Army whose name was Yancy Dancy. Duh. Here's a connection to some really sick names And no, my name is really Eric, but I spell it Fulton.
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