Wednesday, March 2, 2011

For Christ's sake, can someone please get on top of this blog?

I don't know who I think I am.  With my lack of posting you'd think, I don't know, that I'm pregnant and have a toddler or something.

Oh, wait. 

In case I haven't mentioned it here before, getting things done that require concentration start to become a little challenging with a toddler.  It's not that they're so difficult, at least not in the way Calculus is difficult.  It's more that they require a lot of supervision but a lot of that supervision is mindless.  You make sure they don't do things like fall in the toilet, pull every item out of the cabinets they have access to, climb on various pieces of furniture or, just to use a random example, find a stray crayon and color all over a chair in the thirty seconds you're going to the bathroom.  The end result is that the brain has a hard time with tasks that require more than five minutes.  Mere minutes into a blog post and my brain is saying things like:

"I think I'm hungry."

"I wonder if there are any new and interesting posts on Facebook since I last looked ten minutes ago?"

"Maybe I should work on editing those pictures I took today."

"We've seen this episode of 'Clean House'.  Find something else."

And, "I want more peanut butter.  Get some now."

For the first time in my life I can relate to those that suffer from ADD.  The good thing is that you, the reader, would never know that I was just gone for five minutes editing a picture.  Which, erm, I definitely wasn't.  Ahem.  At first I thought it was just the result of pregnancy but I don't think that anymore.  Last time I didn't have any trouble concentrating, I just had a problem being witty, interesting or sounding remotely intelligent.  This time I can do all those things, as long as you only want me to have the attention span of a squirrel. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A squirrel? You have THAT much attention span. My god, you are a saint!