Just because you have a cell phone doesn't mean that every conversation is now appropriate to have in public. Apparently that memo wasn't given to the guy in the post office this morning. He would have irritated me regardless of the conversation he had because he had an extremely loud, booming voice. You know the "Hey! HEY EVERYONE! Look at me. I have a cell phone and I'm such a wanker I'm going to talk on it in line." You know the type.
Anyway, he decided that since he has this beacon of convience and mobility he should probably have a loud argument with his doctor's office about a procedure he had that insurance wouldn't cover. I couldn't tell if the profanities coming out of his mouth were directed at the person he was speaking with or the insurance company. However I did learn that he has some sort of prostate problem. So then I could look at him and think "I know you have an enlarged prostate" which is really a very odd thing to know about someone you aren't related to.
I'm not one of those people that hates all cell phones and thinks they should be condemned to the fires of hell. I actually find mine quite handy. However I am all for condemning people that misuse them to the fiery circles of hell. This includes people like my friend at the post office along with people that talk on their phones while they're being rung up at a store and people that veer around dangerously on the highway while having what I can only guess is a lively session of phone sex.
The man sharing inappropriate medical information in line reminds me of another story. For a long time I went to a pharmacy I'll call Rite Aid, since that's which one it was. I was almost always helped by "Beth". I dreaded dealing with "Beth" because there was something a little...off about her. I went in for months and she seemed to have some sort social interaction impairment. I actually sort of figured she had Asperger's Syndrome.
Not only did I not enjoy having to deal with "Beth" but it was also very difficult to get in and out of this Rite Aid. So when a Walgreen's went in right by my house (much easier to navigate) I thought about switching pharmacies. But I am a loyal customer and just because "Beth" was weird and it was a pain to get in and out of Rite Aid was not incentive enough to take my business elsewhere. Until one day...
I was waiting in line one day and a gentleman ahead of me was trying to pick up his prescriptions. He gave his name and good old "Beth" looked at him and said in her very robotic voice, "Are you picking up the Viagra?" Did I also mention that she had a voice like a foghorn? I was several feet behind the guy but I'm guessing that people across the store could hear her. This guy bent over and said in what I can only imagine was a low, embarrassed voice, "No, the Ambien." So now I know that you're impotent and can't sleep. How awkward. Of course it wasn't his fault so I looked at the ceiling and pretended that I was very interested in the lighting system. You know, rather than mocking him and calling him names.
That pretty much ended my days of giving Rite Aid my business. I marched myself up to Walgreen's and had them start filling my prescriptions. The end.
socially awkward people... gotta feel a little sorry for them right? so i have a secret... i have a crush on the pharmacy tech at my pharmacy... heh heh....
I have a crush on my pharmacist!
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