Some of you wondered how Kent and I were able to go to a steakhouse on Sunday and eat steak. The answer is this: apparently Sundays are like little Easters and you are allowed whatever you gave up for Lent. We aren't making this up, Kent's grandpa said it's ok. In case you're wondering at his authority he was an Episcopalian priest. I'm inclined to believe him.
Since this is such a short post I'll add something else. Years ago the Olive Garden used to run a commerical that went like this:
A man: "I even took my Italian grandmother to the Olive Garden!"
Every time my dad saw that commercial he would add: "And then she slapped the shit out of me!"
I still find that hilarious.
haha! i can actually hear your dad saying this!
Yeah, going to Olive Garden for Italian is like thinking that Rice-a-Roni is a "San Francisco treat".
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