On Thursday Foster turned one month old.
Coincidentally that was also Kent's and my four year anniversary. (Happy anniversary, honey! Maybe I'll blog about how we met next time. It's a very cute story, in my opinion.)
What Foster can do at one month:
Squawk and squeak
Consistently sleep four hours at night
Grasp, especially my hair (can't wait until he figures out earrings)
Smile occasionally although not actually in response to anything
Charm his mom and dad
What I can do now that Foster is one month:
Run a mile (OK, I haven't actually tried to run a whole mile yet but I bet I can)
Sleep for more than two hours without using the bathroom
Fit into non-maternity clothes, as long as they are two or three sizes bigger than what I wore when I got pregnant
Take ibuprofen (this makes me very happy)
Drink diet soda without worrying that my baby will become a mutant
It's been a very busy first month, despite the fact that there haven't been a LOT of big accomplishments. All too quickly Foster will go from a tiny baby into a three-year-old that throws tantrums at the grocery store and not long after that an 18-year-old that doesn't think I know when he's been drinking. I can honestly say I'm looking forward to (almost) all of it.
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