It's been a while since I've posted. I've been spending time repainting our master bedroom, watching an inappropriate amount of "Hoarders" and sighing over Jon Hamm in "Mad Men," along with every other woman in America over the age of 16.
I've also been sulking.
See, in October someone did something very mean to me. On Facebook, they linked to a post on Hyperbole and a Half. Not only are the posts hilarious, they also have really rad cartoons. The cartoons make the blog hysterical x infinity. My blog has no cartoons, and that started to make me sad. Since the most advanced thing I know how to draw are numbers, my future as a web cartoonist seemed bleak.
Then, someone was even MEANER.
I just want to point out how much funnier this would be if I could insert a cartoon here. But I can't, because my drawing ability has the IQ of between 60 and 70, in contrast to my antagonist brain which has an IQ well above-average. That means that my smarty pants brain says, "Oh! You know what would make this part funnier? A cartoon! Here, I'll imagine it for you!" Meanwhile my hands are working patiently but my brain is standing over them going, "No. No, not like that. What is that? Why are you drawing that weird looking line? That looks nothing like a house. That's the worst house ever. I don't want to hear about you can put in an earring when you can't even work the controls in Microsoft Paint. I HATE YOU." (I would like point out that would be another excellent place for a cartoon.)
So, needless to say, this whole blogging thing has been a little demoralizing. If someone would like to barter services, I would be willing to teach you the names of all the Kardashians in return for you teaching me how to cartoon so that my pictures don't look like the work of a four-year-old.