I do.

No, I don't know if it's a boy or girl. Yes, I'm sure it's only one. No, I'm not ready for it to be born yet. (Those are the same questions I get over and over. I really love when people ask if I'm having twins. Seriously, I'm big but I'm not THAT big.)
Yesterday I went to the doctor and I've gained 24 pounds. Honestly I was hoping that would be the total I would gain but given that I've eaten pretty much whatever I want and I haven't done more than walk to back and forth to my car I guess that's not bad. I started the pregnancy with fatigue that never really went away. I felt a little more energetic in my second trimester, just like all the baby books promised, but only in comparison to how I felt in my first trimester. Now I'm tired all the time again. Oh well, it could be worse.
Today I was watching "A Baby Story" at lunch. Normally I detest this show but it was preferable to watching Kathie Lee and Hoda play some stupid Easter game. Anyway, the woman was having a ten-pound baby and was measuring 51 inches around. Since I have no life I thought it would be interesting to see what I measure. I'm at 39 inches. Of course, I had to congratulate myself on not being 51 inches and ALSO on not having any stretch marks. Then, because I think I was getting too smug, I went to the bathroom and saw what look to be baby stretch marks on my hips. Damn.
I have one final piece of baby news and then maybe I can start posting funny stuff again (maybe, no promises). My due date is May 30 and the baby will be here no later then June 1 or June 2. Here's the story. Kent is taking leave on May 25 and has to be back at work on June 6. He also gets 10 days of paternity leave but he won't be able to take that until July probably. Since I have a very understand midwife she's agreed I can be induced right after my due date even though the practice prefer to not induce before 41 weeks, 6 days. It's really a bummer, I SO do not want to have to be induced but even more I want Kent here when the baby comes. Maybe you can all send me positive energy for the baby to be born sometime between May 26 and May 30. Any earlier and Kent might miss it.
You might notice that I changed my blog layout. For some reason my blogging dropped precipitously right after I changed my template so changing it again might mean more blogging. Anyway, it can't hurt.